Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,365

wanna hit the road?”

“I’m full, thank you.”

“My pleasure.” I pull out my wallet from my pocket and throw some bills on the table. Grabbing her hand, I walk her back to my bike. This time there’s no hesitation when her small hand wraps around mine.

I place my hand at Sofia’s lower back and guide her into my home above the garage. It's a one-bedroom unit I renovated after I took over Torque from my dad. Switching on the lights, I walk into the kitchen and pull out a few beers from the refrigerator. After opening them, I pass her one, then nod toward the couch. She looks around at my place before she follows me, taking a seat and tucking her long legs under herself.

“So, Sofia, if today wasn’t your wedding day, what would a normal Saturday night look like?”

“Most Saturday nights I have to be on my best behavior, either by my parents or by Thomas.” She drops her gaze from me and starts playing with the wrapper on her beer.

“Okay, let’s change the question. What would you do if you could do anything? Something that would make you happy.”

She tilts her head and a smile spreads across her face. “I want to be normal. I want to be able to go out somewhere with friends, have some drinks, and dance the night away without having to worry about what people think of me.”

“Let’s go.” I stand up and reach out for her hand.

I love that she doesn't hesitate to place her hand in mine anymore. She doesn't know me from Adam, but she seems to trust me, and that makes me happy.

Sofia stumbles as I yank her up, her hands going to my chest to steady herself. I hear a little intake of breath when her hands touch me. Her eyes drop to my lips, letting me know this attraction is not one-sided.

“But I can’t. People will know who I am.”

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” she replies.

Taking a step back, I walk her out the door, locking up behind me. I retake her hand in mine as she shivers.


“You’re cold out here. I didn’t think.” I slip off my jacket and place it around her.

“Oh, I couldn’t.”

I lift her arms into the jacket, pulling the lapels together, brushing against her chest.

“Thank you,” she whispers.

I jump on the bike, needing to break the contact, or else I’m going to do something stupid like kiss her, then take her up to my bed and fuck her. It doesn't last long, as I feel her mount behind me, her arms hugging me tightly. Luckily, the bar isn't too far. I know she’ll probably hate it there. From the look of her perfectly manicured nails and shiny hair and the way she holds herself, I can tell she comes from money. Privilege oozes from every part of her.

Being that this is the bar all the guys from my garage hang out at and is also the hangout for a local motorcycle club my brother runs, I figure no one will bother her. The only girls that hang out here are the local hang-arounds trying to score some dick.

Pulling up beside another Harley, I park the bike. Sofia is at my side before I stand up. She’s looking at the other bikes surrounding the front of Roxie’s Bar. Its facade looks rundown from the outside, and the inside isn't much better, but it’s clean and the beer tastes great.

“Is this place safe?” She tugs her bottom lip.

I pocket my keys as I approach her. “Babe, I would not take you anywhere you wouldn't be safe.”

The music inside drifts out as a couple opens the door and walks inside.

“I promised you beer and dancing. Plus, you are almost incognito here in your Target duds.” I smile at her, and she smiles back, nearly knocking me off my feet; she’s stunning. Her cheeks are flushed from the ride, her eyes larger than normal. And her face seems to light up. She looks excited and happy. It makes me want to do things for her to keep that look on her face permanently.

I put my arm around her and walk us inside, straight to the bar where there are a couple of empty stools.

Sofia wraps her arm around my waist, raises up on her tippy-toes, and whispers into my ear, “I’m just going to the ladies’.”

I nod, and as she walks away, I growl when I see nearly every other guy's eyes follow her too.

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