Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,288

The drive from here is around three hours. I throw a few things in a small backpack, then head out into the kitchen.

“I have to go. Hopefully, I’ll be back in the morning.” Ignoring the blank expressions, I address my mother directly, “I’m sorry. I know you wanted today to be special, but someone needs me.”

“You’re fucking kidding,” Rhett barks.

“C’mon,” Tori says and pats his hand. “Dustin needs to talk with his Mum. Jase, do you want to come out to the patio with Rhett and me?”

“This better be bloody good,” Rhett fires at me, only I won’t look at him.

Jase tilts his head, and with his drawn eyebrows, he maintains strong eye contact, but I know he will show more understanding than our eldest brother. I can’t work out Mum’s expression. Her forehead pulls tight, but I can’t tell if it’s concern or something else because there’s a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

“What is it?” she asks when the others leave the room. “Is it a girl?”

“So, if it’s a girl, you’ll excuse my absence?”

Mum tilts her head.

It’s up to me to explain my behaviour. “Yeah, it is. I care about this chick, and she has gotten herself into a bit of trouble.”

“What sort of trouble?” Mum folds her arms and gives me a look that tells me it better be a damn good reason to leave on Christmas Day.

“That’s her dad on the news. The one who was shot.”


All I can do is nod because I know what’s coming next.

“Dusty. No. You can’t—”

“I like her. A lot.” I swallow hard, realising I do more than I previously acknowledged. “She could be next, and I have to get her out of there.”

“And you’re going to bring her here?” Mum’s eyes round.

Fuck, I’m about to put my family in danger.

“She can stay in Adelaide at my house, and I’ll come back. Either way, I have to get her out of the state until things settle.”

“Can you get hurt?” she asks tentatively.

I lean on the back of the chair and bow my head. “Maybe. I shouldn’t implicate you, except to know where I am in case—”

“I’m calling Terry. He needs to be informed.”

Terry is a family friend and the local cop. Usually, I’d say no, yet my gut instinct tells me otherwise. “Tell him I’m going to the Silver Hell Motorcycle Club in Brisbane where Star is being held against her will.”

“Star,” she repeats, her fingers hover over the screen of her phone.

“Yes. Her ex-boyfriend, Viper, has kidnapped her and is trying to take her to Sydney.”

“Are you sure?” Mum says in a high tone.

“No… I don’t trust him.”

Mum holds my gaze before swiping her eyes. She takes a steadying breath before speaking, “I want to tell you not to go, but I can’t. Star must mean a lot for you to do this and risk everything. I may be afraid, yet I’m proud of you, son.”

I hold her gaze, so she understands what I’m saying. “She needs someone to help her.”

“Well, I know it’s more than that.” Mum walks around the table and hugs me. “Stay safe and check-in regularly.”

“I will.” I hug her back and then stride to the door without looking back.

I can’t say goodbye because hell only knows how this will end.


The one and only time I visited the Silver Hell MC was to pick up Star, and it was daylight. Even then, I was shitting myself and couldn’t get out of there quickly enough. I remember the look on the dude’s face when Star waved us past the guarded gate.

Today my heart is beating so fast I can’t think straight. I haven’t thought this through as to how these arseholes will react. What can I say that will convince them to let me take her? They’ll want to silence me, and then there’s the chance they’ll want to dispose of any evidence.

I’m not considering the consequences of my actions, though, only Star and keeping her safe.

Mum thinks she means more to me. Yet, how the fuck can I love anyone? I’ll mess up somehow, and I’ll lose them. Fate will make sure of it. I won’t let these bastards ruin her life if it’s something I can prevent because I know I do care about her.

On a dark, isolated road on the outskirts of Brisbane, I’m a few kilometres from the club. They won’t recognise the rental I picked up at the airport.

Easing my foot on the brake, I cruise toward the gate. The entire Copyright 2016 - 2024