Reign A Romance Anthology - Nina Levine Page 0,287

I maintain proximity to view the screen and hear a message, if one comes through, since it’s no longer on silent.

Putting on my cheerful Christmas expression, even though something is eating away at my gut, I head out to the kitchen.

Mum has cooked bacon and eggs. I force it down while everyone is chatting about the plans for the day.

“What time is Jase coming over?” I ask Mum.

“Depends on what time he got home last night,” Rhett answers. “He was looking friendly with Sophia.”

“The same Sophia you tried to hook me up with?” I ask Mum.

“Well, I…”

I chuckle. “Trust me, she’s more Jace’s type.”

“Why do you say that?”

I consider Star and the ink that distinguishes her.

“Let’s say I like my girls a little more colourful.”

Mum frowns and shakes her head.

I check the screen of my phone.

Still nothing.

“Do you mind if I switch on the television?”

“Real bloody social at Christmas,” Rhett snaps.

“It’s just for the news. Then we can swap presents.”

I block out the chatter of my family while listening to the news. My fingers tap out a rhythm during the weather forecast, and then the good deeds by those who are less fortunate at Christmas. Maybe it was nothing, and my concern is unnecessary. Grabbing the remote, I’m ready to switch off the television, then freeze the moment Phoenix’s face flashes up.

The headline reads…

Motorcycle Gang Leader Shot Dead

I press the volume on the remote.

“Fuck,” I mutter.

“Dusty,” Mum rouses. “Not at the table and not on Christmas Day.”

I pick up my phone and send another text to Star.

Me: I saw the news. Where are you?

More hours pass with no word from Star.

We demolished the turkey lunch, and I’m serving Christmas pudding and custard.

“How long are you back for?” Jase asks, taking the plate of dessert from me.

“I was going to head back before the New Year, but I’m contemplating staying to help around here.” Placing the bowl of brandy custard in front of Rhett, I still and wink at Tori. “That’s if this big ape wants me to stay.”

He digs an elbow into my side. “Suppose I can put up with you a little longer.” Tori rolls her eyes at Rhett. “In fact, you can help with some carpentry for the other wing?”

“The other wing?” I take my bowl and sit opposite him at the table.

“We’re renovating the entire farmhouse to give it a Hampton’s appeal. The new extensions will sit either side of the original building.”

“You’re bringing the Hamptons to the river? That’s a new concept.”

“It’s a design I’ve always loved,” Tori says. “And I showed your mum the plans first to get her opinion.”

“I also love it,” Mum reinforces. “And we’ll all have our own wing,” she says in a posh tone.

I raise my brows, showing appreciation. “Then, I look forward to seeing it all completed.”

“When you’re finished, Tori, can you give my old place a facelift?” Jase says and chuckles.

“Of course,” she replies and smiles.

My phone rings, and it’s an unknown number. Usually, I would ignore it with the possibility it’s a scammer. Not today.



I stand and leave the room.

“Star. You had me worried. I—”

“I haven’t got long. Viper took my phone. I’m at the club while they work out what to do with me. Everyone got called to an emergency job except Simmo, who’s watching over me. He left his phone unlocked and went to the toilet.”

“Are you okay?” I probe.

“Yeah. I have a few bruises from Viper… but that’s not why I called. He intends to take me to Sydney. I don’t want to be with him, but I can’t get away.” She sobs quietly into the phone. “Dad’s gone, and now I have no one. It’s so fucked-up.”

I pace the floor. “I’m coming to get you.” I’m not leaving her to the wolves. “It won’t be until tonight, but I promise I’ll come for you.”

“You can’t. They’ll…” she pauses and changes direction “… it’s too dangerous. I wanted to tell, so if you don’t see me again, you’ll know why.”

My fucking stomach clenches, and there’s nothing I can do to stop the anger rolling through me. “You’ll see me again,” I say firmly. “Tonight.”

“Hey.” A male voice echoes in the background, and Star inhales a sharp gasp.

“Switch your phone on private,” she whispers, then silence.

I do it immediately.

Dragging my hands down my face, I weigh up what to do. First, I check the airlines and book a flight out of Adelaide for six tonight. It’s a small fortune on Christmas Day, yet I don’t care. Copyright 2016 - 2024