Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,61

silent, only stilling her struggle.

“He will die, you will die. I will get paid, and Claude will love me.”

Callie kept quiet, knowing whatever else she said was futile. She had no control over what happened next, but she knew she needed to stay conscious. A few more blows like that and she wouldn’t.

She only hoped that Reid, Liam, and the others were as good as she thought they were, and they found her and kept themselves safe in the process.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Reid felt a hand land on his shoulder and turned to see Liam standing behind him. His friend gave him an encouraging chin lift meant to make him feel better. In reality, the only thing that would do that was to have Callie safe and sound and in his arms.

“We’ll get her back.”

Reid dipped his chin, not trusting himself to speak, distraught didn’t even begin to cover his emotions right now. They were veering wildly from terror to absolute fury, and he didn’t know how to calm them or control them. This was his speciality, hostage rescue was his area of expertise, but all he could see was red.

The men had all filed into the war room where Jack stood with a look on his face Reid was sure was similar to his own, although his was more anger than terror.

Jack turned to Lopez and nodded before he swung his gaze back to them. The large 3D screen in the centre of the room rose, and every man in the room pinned their interest on it.

“About fifteen minutes ago this man, known only as Bás, entered Eidolon undetected and made his way to this room.” Jack paused, and Reid drew in a breath of surprise as did the others. “He then proceeded to inform me that he knows where Callie is, which we already know thanks to the chip in her shoelace which Lopez is monitoring. He’ll let us know if anything changes.”

Reid sprang forward. “Where is she?” The demand was met with a hard stare from Jack, who remained where he was, his arms crossed over his chest before he dismissed him.

He nodded to Decker and Mitch who had returned the previous night after the leads in London went cold. “Let’s get two of you over there immediately to monitor the situation.”

The two men spoke with Lopez and Reid fought the urge to demand he go himself, knowing his knowledge was more useful in planning the op.

“If you can’t keep a cool head, I’ll bench you. Make no mistake who is in charge here. I want Callie safe too, and I know you care for her but losing your shit won’t help her or us.” Jack favoured him with a stern glare. “Am I clear?”

Reid ground his teeth to almost dust before he nodded. “Crystal.”

Jack cast his gaze around the men before he continued. “Bás will also deliver Milla’s location so we can extract her shortly. We can’t do the extraction on Callie until then, or it may trigger Gunner to engage, and we don’t want that.”

He looked around, catching the eye of every man in the room, his meaning clear; he wanted Gunner alive. “Bás will then tell us where Milla is. Once she’s safe, he’ll deliver Gunner to us.”

Alex stepped forward and angled his head as he looked at the picture of the man on the screen. “Motherfucker!”

Jack swung his gaze to his second and tilted his head in question.

“That’s the man who tortured Evelyn.”

Reid stepped closer, followed by Liam, Blake, and Waggs.

“Fucking hell,” Blake growled.

Reid agreed with the sentiment because Alex was right. That was the man who had worked with Osiris aka Arthur Roach, the man who had lied to Evelyn for years before his final betrayal.

Jack was silent for a moment, and Reid closed his eyes and took a breath to centre himself. He needed to keep his head; this just got a whole lot more complicated. “What did he want in return?”

Jack twisted to look at Reid as he spoke. “A favour.”

“What kind of favour?”

Jack shrugged. “He wouldn’t say, just that I’d owe him a favour in the future.”

Alex slammed his fist down on the console. Everyone turned to him, staring in shock at the usually calm man. “We can’t trust this man. He tortured Evelyn.”

Jack sighed and faced his friend as Reid waited for the explosion that didn’t come. “I know we can’t trust him, but we can’t let the chance to save Callie and Milla, and to secure Gunner pass.” Jack Copyright 2016 - 2024