Reid - Maddie Wade Page 0,60

like to want to be normal and not be.”

“You have no idea what normal is. You have beauty. You have money, fame, and you’re seen,” Sophia finished on an angry rant.

“I may have those things, but I’ve never treated people with anything but kindness, and if I did hurt or wrong you in some way, then I wish you’d said something. I thought we were friends. I looked up to you. Sophia, you’re the woman who’d carved her own path, made a name for herself in a tough industry all while caring for the models she represented.” Callie meant every word but she didn’t think she’d got through to Sophia.

“I worked hard, I worked twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and still, it wasn’t enough.”

Callie shook her head, not quite understanding. “Not enough for who?”

Sophia cast her a hate-filled look before she walked towards the desk again and picked up a phone. Callie assumed she was checking for messages.

“See, you don’t even know he exists, you’re too self-involved even to notice the way he looks at you with longing. A look I’d kill to receive, and yet it goes unnoticed by the great Calista Lundholm.”

Callie’s fear receded as anger took over. She knew she wasn’t perfect, but she wasn’t self-involved, and she did care about people. “Listen, I have no idea who you’re talking about, nor do I care at this point. I just want to know why you killed Tina.”

The fabric of Sophia’s jacket brushed against Callie as she walked around the back of the chair, her hand trailing over her shoulders in a way that was more threatening than the gun she held.

“Your little maid found me in your apartment and threatened to go to the police. I couldn’t allow that to happen, so she had to die.”

“I don’t understand, Tina knew self-defence, you would never have been able to over-power her?”

“A gun in the face is a powerful incentive to do as you’re told.”

“Why were you inside my apartment?”

Sophia laughed without humour. “I needed to make sure you were suitably frightened, or I wouldn’t get paid.”


“Ah, yes, my little Callie.” Sophia stroked a finger over her cheek, causing Callie to pull away and Sophia laughed. “It turns out I’m not the only one who wants you dead. I was approached to frighten you and deliver you to my employer. They offered me more money than I could ever need, so it was as if all my dreams had come true.”

Callie had no idea who the other person was, but her gut told her it had something to do with Reid. At the thought of him, she closed her eyes, not wanting Sophia to have that.

Her Reid, the man she loved with all her heart. He would come for her; she knew it like she knew her own name. He would come, and that terrified her almost as much as dying at this woman’s hands because she knew he’d risk himself to save her.

Yet, what else could she do except pray he was safe and that whoever was behind this wasn’t as good as Reid and his friends at what they did? She needed to get more information or at least something to share with Reid. “How did you know where I was?” It had been bothering her since Sophia had found her.

“Let’s just say an intermediary also has a task here, and he knows your boyfriend very well.”

Callie gave that some thought and wondered if it was what Reid had referred too when he’d said they had other things happening. She’d tuck that knowledge away for now and pray she got the chance to tell him.

“What will you do with me now?” Callie wanted to distract herself and asking questions had proved prudent, especially as Sophia seemed so keen to share.

“I’ll collect my money and hand you and your boyfriend over to the man who wants you both dead.” Sophia rechecked her phone and Callie saw a slight frown marring her features. Perhaps things weren’t going as planned, that could be good for her.

“Reid won’t fall for your tricks.”

Sophia walked a few feet away before her lips twisted in a cruel smile. “Oh, he will. He will come, and he will die.”

“No!” Callie yelled and began to buck and fight to get free, hating that good men could die because of her.

Her eyes watered from the sting of her teeth cutting into her lip as Sophia backhanded her hard across the face, but she stayed Copyright 2016 - 2024