Reese (Pack of Misfits #2) - Raven Kennedy Page 0,85


We collapse on his bed, both of us panting. “Damn, Vulture. You’re good.”

He chuckles and kisses me on the nape. “Let’s get cleaned up.”

With a tired nod, I let him lead me down the hallway where we shower together. We don’t get clean until we do the dirty again, this time with my back against the shower wall and Luca’s hand over my mouth to keep my moans from echoing.



“Wake up.”

“Uh uh.”

“Come on, Mousey. Wake up for me.”

I shove my face into the pillow. “Shh. Sleeping. Go away.”

I hear Luca chuckle, and then his hand is trailing over my bare back. “If you wake up for me, I’ll give you a present. A shiny one.”

My head immediately pops up, and I turn to look at him, my nose twitching. “Shiny?” I ask, unable to keep the thrill from my tone. My rat’s tail starts to thump.

“Mm-hmm,” he says, pressing a kiss to my nape.

I roll over so that my head is resting on his chest, and my eyes zero in on the necklace dangling from his fingers.

I squeak and sit up. “Good Gouda, it’s so pretty!” I snatch it from him, my rat practically frothing at the mouth as we appreciate it. It looks exactly like a string of pearls, except the balls are silver metal. A weird trilling noise comes from my rat when she realizes we can see our reflection. It’s better than diamonds. It’s better than anything shiny I’ve ever taken because it’s from him.

“I had it made for you out of steel. Buffed and polished for extra shine.”

I take the long necklace and pull it over my head, admiring where it hangs down on my chest. I look up at him, beaming. “This is the best. Thank you.”

“Does this mean your rat forgives me? For making you return all that stuff you took at the beach?”

“Perhaps,” I say, laying my head down on his chest where I admire my new necklace, turning it around in my fingers. “But you should have some other shiny things lined up just in case.”

With a chuckle, he drops his arm around my shoulder and tugs me close against his side. I’ve never felt as secure as I do with Luca’s arm wrapped around me. We enjoy lazing around for a bit, and I lightly trace Luca’s chest as I lie on him, while he absentmindedly runs his hand through my hair and makes me go all gooey.

I bring my fingers up over his collarbone to the metal chain where the three other open-ended lug nuts hang. My rat loves that we are wearing similar necklaces. Even in my human form, I can’t help but hum appreciatively at the sight. “What are these for, anyway?”

“You mean you never thought to ask after you stole one from me?”

“I was distracted by the gleam.”

A low laugh sends shivers down my spine. “They were on my father’s car. He was a mechanic. He died when I was fifteen. I didn’t know my mom since she was in a different pack. I became a mechanic because of him.”

“So you keep them to remind you of him?”

He nods while I twist one between my fingers. “Yeah, they came off a car he was building from scratch. He never got to finish his before he died. But I’m going to finish mine,” he says with determination. “And then I’ll use these—one on each rim.”

I grimace. “Friggen feta, Luca. I’m such an ass. I can’t believe I stole something so personal.”

He traces my ear. “You were so damn determined I didn’t have the heart to stop you. Besides, I knew you’d keep it in a safe place.”

“My rat keeps it front and center in her nest. It’s her favorite piece.”

“Reese’s pieces,” he says in a teasing tone. “So cute.”

I wrinkle my nose. “My rat is not cute, she’s—”

“Majestic,” he drawls. “Of course. My mistake.”

I move slightly, enjoying how his eyes skim down my naked back as the sheet slips off me a little. “How come you have this bedroom all to yourself?” I ask him curiously. “Not that I’m complaining.” I’m definitely not. Since it meant we had privacy—well, as much privacy as we can get in a shared warehouse with a dozen other shifters.

“Just got lucky. But I’m sure at one point, I’ll get bunked up with someone.”

“Unless you take a mate first.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I want to slap myself on the forehead.

Luca’s hand pauses in my hair before Copyright 2016 - 2024