Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,58

control of Tia. One second my hand was being kissed by a god and the next, I’d raked my claws across his palm, causing instant and deep cuts, then pulled my hand far away from his. Instead of blood, light pooled at each of his wounds and then quickly healed.

The attack didn’t bother Horus. Actually, it appeared to do just the opposite. Seemingly beguiled, he took a step closer, slid his hand up the still-extended claw to my bare arm, and murmured enticingly, “How refreshing. There’s nothing I like more than a woman who offers a challenge.”

As fast as Tia emerged, she retreated and I was in control once more. I took a step back and moved around him, putting Nebu at my back so that the god had to turn around to face us. “The unicorn is right. We haven’t come here to”—I searched my mind for a word that would be clear and yet not insulting—“bask in your glory.” He raised an eyebrow but his lips twitched with humor.

“Then, please, enlighten me as to the reason you’ve decided to gift me with your company.”

“I’m here—we’re here,” I corrected, “to ask permission to ride the celestial barque into the netherworld.”

“Ah, I see.” Horus walked over to the table and filled two golden goblets. After presenting me with one, he raised the other in my direction and lifted the cup to his full lips. “Why are you still here, Nebu?” he asked, a slight tinge of irritation to his voice. “I thought I asked you to leave.”

You did. I simply wish to assure the young lady’s safety first.

“You doubt my abilities to function as a proper host?” he asked with a roguish wink in my direction.

On the contrary, I have no doubts as to your abilities. I have doubts as to your intentions.

“I see. Then what can I do to persuade you that my intentions are entirely honorable?”

You can swear on your golden falcon.

Horus spun to face Nebu. “You should know better, Unicorn, than dare a god to swear by the very piece of himself that has been cut off. Should I have you swear on your alicorn and the powers you have lost? You go too far, Nebu.”

Is he speaking of Amon’s golden falcon? I wondered. If so, he doesn’t sound happy that Amon has it.

I apologize if I have broached a tender subject, Nebu addressed Horus. It is merely that I know how very precious the falcon is to you and I know that if you made a vow by it that you would not break it.

The wide shoulders of Horus lowered slightly but the handsome man finally nodded and waved his hand in dismissal. “Very well, I swear on the wings of my golden falcon that I will not harm the young sphinx or use my powers to influence her in any way.”

Thank you. Nebu took a few steps toward me and nuzzled my arm. I must depart now, Lily. I do not have the leave to deny a request of Horus. But should you have need of me at any time or in any place, use your young man’s spell to summon me. I will come if at all possible.

“Thank you, Nebu,” I said quietly.

You are welcome. Do not forget, young sphinx, I will someday return to collect my boon. The unicorn pushed his head into my arm for a final time, then stretched his great shimmering wings and leapt into the air. He rose higher and higher until he reached the domed ceiling of the atrium, and with the twitch of Horus’s fingers, the roof opened up to the night sky and he disappeared.

When Nebu was gone, Horus approached me, walking around to the other side of the chaise I’d just sat upon, and draped across it once again. He captured my hand in his and trailed kisses from my now human fingertips up my arm to my shoulder.

Nervously, I said, “You promised Nebu you wouldn’t use your powers to influence me.”

“I’m not using my powers,” he said, lips tickling my skin. “I’m seducing you with my all-too-human magnetism.”

“Be that as it may, I already have a boyfriend. Besides, your mother, Isis, said you’d help me.”

Horus sighed and lifted his head. “Don’t you know it’s never a good thing to mention a man’s mother whilst he is in the middle of rendering you mindless with passion?”

“I’m hardly mindless with passion.”

“Yes,” he said with a frown. “Why is that? I usually don’t have this much difficulty Copyright 2016 - 2024