Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,57

had been her doing. I ran my hand over the beaded bodice, smoothing the fabric over my hips, fingers lingering on the silky feathers. “Well, how do I look?” I asked Nebu.

Like a queen, the stallion replied. Shall we proceed?

I nodded and strode ahead confidently, knowing I was now prepared to meet a god on equal footing. The noise of people laughing, tinkling fountains, and soft music guided us, and it wasn’t long before we found the source of it. It was a party.

Putting on my best I’m-so-pleased-to-make-your-acquaintance smile, I stepped inside the large atrium, my hand on Nebu’s back for moral support. The room was full of beautiful things—fountains, statues, long, richly oiled tables full of delectable foods—and women. There were women everywhere.

Redheads, blondes, brunettes. Women who looked like they were from Africa, Asia, South America, Native America, Alaska, Russia, Polynesia, and some who looked…otherworldly. It was like a Miss Universe pageant of the tall, poised, and lovely. Some of the women lounged. Some served. Some conversed in small groups. But there was one thing all of them had in common other than their staggering attractiveness.

They were all giving their attention, whether fully or partially, to one thing—one man, to be specific—a man who lounged on a white chaise and exuded power. He was a man richly dressed, and seemed accustomed to getting what he wanted. He was a man as handsome as any Hollywood actor, and he was well aware of his charms. He was a man surrounded by fawning women, and the most beautiful things in the world. And he was a man who was staring directly…at me.

“Hello,” he said warmly as he flashed me a winning smile, one that had probably enchanted every woman he’d ever encountered in his long life. Though he hadn’t moved from his reclined position, I got the sense that his relaxed appearance was a front, and that in the blink of an eye he could either have a knife at my throat or throw me over his shoulder and carry me off. I wasn’t sure which one he was more inclined to do at the moment, but either way, I knew that this man, this…god…was dangerous. The dimple on the side of his mouth and the mischievous twinkle in his eye were disconcerting.

Instead of answering him, I merely nodded deferentially and tightened my grip on Nebu’s mane. The unicorn spoke up. Allow me to introduce Lily. She is a newly made sphinx who seeks an audience with Amun-Ra.

Horus heard what Nebu said, but his eyes never left mine. It made both me and Tia uncomfortable. The god stares us down, she murmured. He challenges us!

No, I said. He is taking our measure. Be patient.

Smoothly, Horus rose from the chaise. He was tall, lean, and muscled but not overly so, and as he approached, Tia remarked that he moved like a jungle cat, purposely, slowly, his eyes never leaving his prey. Horus stalks us, she hissed.

I ignored her and narrowed my eyes, taking in his rakish expression and his handsome, angular face. My fingers itched for the weapons on my back, but I forced a smile to my lips while placing my hands on my hips, showing him that I wasn’t afraid. I was perfectly capable of defending myself.

When he stopped a few feet away and the air between us became thick with expectation, I finally inclined my head and said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

A small laugh crossed his lips as he tilted his head to study us. “Yes,” he murmured, a rich tone to his voice that told me each word he spoke carried a thousand possibilities. “Very nice.” Without looking at anything but me, he raised his fingers in the air, twisted them with a flourish, and said, “You may leave us. I’ve found my…distraction for the evening.” He shot me a smile warm enough to melt the sun.

At those words, every woman in the room faded away as quickly as an ice cube in the desert. I swallowed, suddenly nervous, and spent the next few seconds dissuading Tia from calling up her claws.

“You too, Nebu,” Horus said.

I think not, the stallion answered, causing the god to finally glance in his direction. She is not here to sate your appetites, Nebu warned.

Horus grinned and turned back to me, boldly taking my hand and kissing my fingers. “Perhaps I am here to tend to hers, then.” Horus raised his head and gave me a meaningful wink. At that, I lost Copyright 2016 - 2024