Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,51

still a part of me.”

The stallion bounced and I quickly backed away as he reared up on his hind legs and pawed the air, nickering loudly. His hooves gouged the sand, kicking it up until it was as agitated as he was. You have brought a lioness here? This is unacceptable. Remove her from your form immediately.

“Remove her?” I laughed uneasily. “Even if I could, which I can’t, I wouldn’t.”

The horse twisted his head to peer at me. Now I understand why you said the things you did. He sighed deeply. I am sorry, then, Innocent One, but as much as I crave your association, I cannot take you on your journey. He turned to leave, flicking his tail.

“Don’t go!” I called out, and placed a hand on his back. “Please,” I begged. “We both know that we cannot accomplish our goal without you.”

I sensed that he wasn’t as eager to leave us as he had been a moment ago.

I do not like lions, the stallion said finally, obviously torn at the idea of stranding us there. But if she will remain quiet on the journey, I will agree to take you to Duat.

I patted him happily and kissed his warm cheek.

If you agree to grant me a boon, he added as he knelt before me.

At the same moment I murmured, “Of course,” Tia screamed in my mind, No!

But it was too late. The bargain was already made. She knew it and broke down into torrential sobs. I prayed my own instincts were right.

As I climbed on the back of a unicorn, I thought how silly I’d been to think I was prepared. There was no anticipating something like this. My life was now beautiful, marvelous, unanticipated, unscripted madness. It’s one of the things that attracted me to Amon. There was a loveliness to the unexpected, and the more I was a part of it, the more I craved it. I would never be the same girl again, and it didn’t bother me as much as I thought it should have.

Nebu got to his feet and I held tightly to his mane as he headed over to the uncovered tomb. Though there was uncertainty and danger ahead, I felt ready for it. I didn’t look back. Not at Dr. Hassan. Not at the African landscape. Not at the world I knew. And not at the girl I used to be. Lilliana Young was gone. I was someone, something altogether new.

He will betray your trust, Tia said, interrupting my thoughts.

But Amon promised he’d send help, I replied. He wouldn’t have sent someone who would hurt us.

Unicorns only help themselves to the vulnerable and innocent, she muttered moodily.

Are you sure he’s really a unicorn? I asked, still doubtful.

She sighed impatiently. I will tell you their story when we are alone. I do not want him to hear my thoughts.

All right, I said to her secretly. We’ll be careful.

Hold to me tightly, said Nebu, lest you fall and are lost in the Land Between.

“The Land Between?” I questioned, but there wasn’t time for him to answer because he reared up and leapt into the dark bubble we’d opened in the tomb. And just like that, the world we knew was left behind. With a snap, the bubble closed around us and I could see nothing, hear nothing but the powerful breathing of the stallion as he ran.

I squeezed my eyes tightly, threading my fingers through his silky mane as I pressed my thighs against his sides and prayed that I wouldn’t fall off. The last place I wanted to end up was lost in the abyss we were in.

After what felt like an hour, I saw a light ahead and we sped toward it. The brightness grew and rocky soil materialized ahead. We dashed forward as fast as lightning, and with a crack of Nebu’s thunderous hooves that echoed in the sky above us, we struck land. Beams of pink and purple, orange and yellow filtered over the stony landscape, lighting it softly, serenely, with the barest touch of color.

The terrain reminded me of the great rock canyons of the Wild West. Pink pinnacles rose over horseshoe-shaped plateaus made of sandstone and shale that must have been formed by ancient rivers and colorful lake sediments. Pale stripes of minerals in different colors graced each peak and mound of stone. We passed wide arches and impossible rock formations that had been so eroded it was a wonder they still stood.

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