Recreated (Reawakened #2) - Colleen Houck Page 0,50

like all of his kind. That is why I called him Unadorned. It is an insult to all unicorns. They don’t like to be reminded of their shame.”


The stallion bobbed his head and stomped his feet. What is this? Who are you? he mentally shouted, flicking his tail in irritation.

Tia ignored his question and shouted, “Lily is not the fragile virgin you are seeking!”

What I’m seeking? I seek nothing! he sneered. I might have expected riddles from you, Lady Sphinx, but your words cut to the quick, and I have done nothing to deserve the heaping abuse you’ve piled upon me. I only came here as a favor to the young man wielding the Eye of Horus. It would have been much easier to send one of my children, but he pleaded in such an eloquent manner and expounded upon the virtues of the one he loved so movingly that I decided I wanted to meet you myself. Suffice it to say, I am disappointed. And Zahra, my daughter who carried you to the oasis, spoke so highly of you, too.

“We don’t need you or your special brand of assistance. Seek an innocent elsewhere, for you won’t lay your head in this virgin’s lap!”

Nebu eyed us as if we were a creature he’d never seen before and trotted a distance away.

Tia! First of all, I don’t appreciate the hostile takeover of my body, especially without even a tiny warning. Second, you have no business talking about my virginity or lack thereof with anyone, especially a guy, er, horse. I’d rather not have the fact that I am still a virgin, because my mummy boyfriend pretty much kept his hands to himself right up until his untimely death, advertised everywhere. It’s not that I’m ashamed or anything. It’s just that there has to be some kind of boundary established between us. We need to come up with some rules about what we will and won’t share publicly about each other. Third, what is your deal? Why are you acting like this? What’s your problem with horses and/or unicorns?

“I will not talk about this here. Especially in front of him. He’s dangerous, Lily. You do not understand how monstrous his kind can be.”

Nebu circled around us now, bobbing his head up and down. I suspected the only reason he hadn’t left yet was because of Amon, and I knew to the depths of my soul that we needed him. Seeing that Tia was happy about driving him off, and brandished her knives to give him further motivation, only made matters worse. I needed to manage the situation.

Tia, I pleaded. We need his help. If he doesn’t take us where we need to go, Amon dies. The world ends. Chaos reigns. You don’t want that. I know you don’t. You’ve got to trust me. I promise I won’t do anything without consulting you first.

“I do trust you,” she murmured quietly, much more at ease now that the stallion had moved farther away from us.

Good. Then give me back control.

She hesitated only a moment, but the instant she made the decision to give in, I felt it. Tia, feeling slightly guilty, retreated deeply into my mind and hid like a kitten under a bed.

“Wait!” I cried out, in charge of my own voice again. I quickly stowed the blades at my back and held out a hand to the retreating horse.

He approached cautiously, doubtfully, like a reluctant colt after a treat, and then backed away quickly, nearly sitting on his haunches. Neighing, he shook his head as if something was bothering him.

I do not know what game you play, young sphinx, but I am not in the habit of offering my services to just anyone.

“I know. I’m sorry.” Taking a few slow steps in his direction, I stretched out my fingertips, and he, almost reluctantly, closed the distance. When he seemed comfortable enough, I patted his cheek and he pressed his head against my shoulder in response.

He blew a soft breath through my hair. You may speak, he said in my mind quietly.

“I have a passenger with me,” I explained. “And she seems to be concerned and somewhat fearful regarding your intentions.”

Tia hissed, sulky and unhappy about my saying that she was afraid.

A passenger? What do you mean by this?

Clearing my throat, uncomfortable, I wrung my hands and said, “The spell to make me a sphinx worked, but the consciousness of the lioness that merged with me so we could achieve this power is Copyright 2016 - 2024