On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,94

the hard ridges of my stomach, sending shivers racing up and down my spine.

Hooking my hands around Calli’s ass, I dragged her closer, grinding my rock-hard dick against her core.

“Zach,” she pulled away, staring at me through lust drunk eyes, “I’m a mess. I should take a shower—”

“Does it matter when I’m only going to dirty you up again?” I nipped her neck, sucking the skin there.

“Oh God...” Her fingers clawed at my skin as I continued trailing my tongue up and down her throat.

Without warning, I picked Calli up and marched us into the walk-in shower. Flipping on the jets, her shrieks were drowned out by the stream of water as it beat down on us. But the second I pushed her up against the tiled wall and started kissing her, Calli’s anger melted away. She rocked her hips against me, making us both groan.

“I need inside you.” I kissed her deeply, plunging my tongue deep into her mouth. It was dirty and messy but so fucking right.

The thought hit me out of left field. I knew things were changing between us. I knew my hatred was softening into something else. But this moment felt significant. It felt like the first step to putting the past behind us and looking to the future.

Calli reached between our bodies and found the waistband of my shorts, pushing them down my hips enough for my dick to spring free. Her slim fingers circled the base and started pumping.

“Fuck, Calli,” I gritted out, loving how good it felt.

How good she felt.

Taking her weight with one arm, I trapped her body between me and the wall and managed to work a hand between us to find her pussy. “These need to come off.” I tore at the soaked material before pressing two fingers inside her.

“God, that feels...” Calli swallowed, her head falling back against the tiles. But I needed her eyes. I needed to look into her eyes as she came apart for me.

Touching my head to hers, I pinned her there. “Eyes,” I ordered as I hooked my fingers deeper. Calli smothered a moan, rocking against my hand, letting herself get lost in the sensations.

She let go of my dick, holding onto my shoulders as I took her to the brink. Her body began to tremble, and her eyes started to flutter again.

“Eyes, sweet pea,” I growled. “I want to see you when you fall apart.”

They flared with indignation, but I saw the flash of lust. Calli liked it when I took control.

She just didn’t want to like it.

“What do you need?” I held my fingers still, not giving her what she wanted.


“Use your words, Calli.” My eyes narrowed, waiting. Hoping she’d fall off the edge of sanity with me.

“Zach, please...” she tried to wiggle against me, but I pressed the entire length of my body against her until she had nowhere to go.

“Please, what, sweet pea? Say it...” I need you to say it.

She pressed her lips together defiantly, but it only made me harder.

I speared my fingers inside her, making her cry out. “What. Do. You. Need?”

Calli inhaled a shaky breath and then she whispered the one word I was desperate to hear.



A growl of approval rumbled in Zach’s chest as the word hung between us.

This was a bad idea, something I’d probably regret tomorrow. But I was tired of always doing the right thing.

So tired.

Zach stared at me as he slowly worked his fingers inside me, rubbing his thumb over my clit in a way that had my body shattering apart in no time.

“Beautiful,” he sighed, still watching me as he grabbed his dick and slid it through my wetness, teasing me.

A muffled moan built in my throat. He felt so good—too good.

Sinking into me with one smooth stroke, Zach fucked me hard against the tiles, the water still raining down around us. There was something symbolic about this moment, like we were being cleansed. The water absolving us of our sins and secrets, washing them into oblivion.

I clung to him, letting him ride my body, taking me to some faraway place where there was no pain or betrayal or heartache. Nothing existed there except for this, us... me and the boy I’d once loved with my whole heart.

“Fuck, Calli... you feel...”

Pleasure drenched my veins as we rocked together. Waking up in Zach’s arms, I’d panicked. I hadn’t wanted him to see me weak and upset. But the second he’d stepped into the bathroom, and our eyes connected in the

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