On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,93

became a breathless mess under my touch, thrashing and bucking to get away, but I had her completely at my mercy. Her skin was soft and warm as I trailed my fingers along the curve of her waist. Calli settled, letting me explore the dips and planes of her body.

“What are you doing?” Her voice quivered.

“I have no fucking idea,” I admitted.

All I knew was I had to touch her. I wanted to.

“I’m a mess,” Calli whispered.

I pulled her hair off her shoulder and pressed a small kiss there. A shiver ran through her entire body, sending a rush of blood straight to my dick. Not that he needed any encouragement.

“What happened yesterday?”

“What do you mean? N- nothing happened, I was—”

“Ass over elbow drunk in some biker bar with mascara streaked all down your cheeks.”

“I need a minute.” She shot from the bed leaving me cold and slipped into the bathroom without even looking at me.

I rolled onto my back, pinching my temples, and let out a heavy sigh.

Five minutes later, when she still hadn’t returned, I climbed out of bed and walked to the door. “Calli?” I knocked.

“Just a minute.” Panic coated her words.

I pressed my forehead against the wood. Even from here, I could sense her torment. “Calli?”

She didn’t answer, but screw that. I grabbed the door handle and pushed.

“What are you—”

“What’s wrong?”

Floods of tears rolled down her cheeks as she braced the counter, staring at herself in the mirror. The sight of her standing there, her heart breaking, was like a punch to the gut.

“Sweet pea, talk to me.” I inched forward, sweeping my hands up her arms. Our eyes connected in the glass, and I saw the slight hitch in her breath.

“Why does it always feel so good?” she whispered. “It shouldn’t...”

“I know, babe, I know.” The magnetic force between us had me dipping my head to taste the skin right underneath her ear. Calli gasped, a full body shiver rolling through her.

“I’m a mess.”

She’d said the same thing in bed. But she didn’t look like a mess to me, she looked perfect. Real and vulnerable, her face chock full of emotion. They said the eyes were a window to the soul, well I could see the grief and heartache Calli harbored there.

“I am so fucking sorry about your mom,” I said once more.

“My dad called, inviting me to the exhibition game. Even now, even after everything... he doesn’t get it...” I felt the shuddering breath she took all the way down to the pit of my stomach. “I know they’re my family... I know I promised her I would try, but I don’t think I can do it anymore. I don’t think I can keep letting them hurt me like this.” Big fat tears rolled down her cheeks and I couldn’t stand it for a second longer.

I spun Calli around and tugged her into my arms. Thank fuck she let me hold her because I needed to do this. It was either that, or march over to Callum’s place and finish what I started the other night.

“What are you doing, Zach?” She peeked up at me, the flash of vulnerability in her eyes stealing my breath.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, my heart thumping in my chest.

She was the only girl to ever get me—the only girl to ever own a piece of my heart.

And she’d broken it.

But somewhere along the line, hate had turned into something more. Something I couldn’t contain or control.

My fingers glided up the side of her throat and gently gripped her chin.

“Zach?” she croaked as I lowered my face to hers. “I don’t think this is a good—”

My mouth fixed over hers, swallowing her protests. I didn’t want to hear that this was wrong or a mistake or a bad idea... I just wanted to feel.

Because for as much as it unnerved me, that’s what it came down to.

Calli made me feel.

She made my heart beat a little harder and my blood pump a little faster. She ignited a fire inside me; one that swept into a raging inferno whenever she was around.

My hand slid into her hair, deepening the kiss. She was reluctant at first, barely kissing me back, but the second my tongue slipped past her lips, Calli melted against me.

“Zach,” she whimpered, her hands pressing against my chest. Her touch fanned the flames rising inside me. I backed her up against the counter, lifting her onto the edge and forcing my body between her legs. Her fingers traced

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