On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,51

grumbled. “I don’t got all day.”

“She’s riding,” Zach barked, manhandling me into the cart.

“Let me out. Let me out right now.”

But Zach ignored me, pulling the safety bar closed and sliding his arm around my shoulder. “Don’t make me ride alone, sweet pea,” he whispered against my hair.

Damn him.

Damn his stupid name for me.

I glanced back at Joel. He was still trying to work Victoria’s heel free from the metal grating, paying zero attention to us.

With an indignant huff, I shuffled to the edge, trying to keep as much space between us as possible.

“I don’t bite.” He let out a low chuckle that reverberated deep in my stomach. “Well, only if you beg.”

The attendant checked the safety bar and tapped the cart. “Enjoy your ride.”

“Oh, I will.” Zach pinned me with a dark look that sent shivers racing down my spine.

“I can’t believe you,” I muttered.

“Disappointed you won’t get to kiss Joel at the top?” He leaned in, his warm breath hitting my face.

“You’re drunk.” I could smell the bitter scent of liquor on his breath.

“So what if I am?”

My brows furrowed. What person got drunk to come to the fairground?

The Ferris wheel lurched forward, and my hands shot out, grabbing the safety bar.

“You’re scared,” Zach taunted, rocking his body to make the cart sway.

“No, I’m not.” I inspected the arm connecting us to the rest of the ride.

“Okay, sweet pea, whatever you say.”

“Stop calling me that.” I scowled at Zach, trying to ignore the nervous energy bouncing in my stomach. But it didn’t deter him. He leaned in closer, pulling me toward him until we were pressed together.

“Why? Does it get you wet?”

“You’re such a pig,” I spat the words, trying to press into my side of the cart as much as possible. But Zach was too big. Too everything. The air crackled around us as his intense gaze burned into me.

“And you’re testing the last of my fucking patience.”

“Kira seems nice,” I spat the words, growing tired of his bullshit.

His lip twisted into a wolfish grin. “She does, doesn’t she? I bet she sucks dick like a champ. Maybe I’ll take her for a ride later.”


Why did his words hurt so much?

I was here with Joel. He was a good guy. Kind and funny. Joel wouldn’t ever treat me this way. He wouldn’t play games. He wouldn’t try to scare me, all while trying to drive me insane.

“What are you doing, Zach?” I asked as the world fell away. We were approaching the highest point. Steinbeck and the beach beyond lay below. The sun was setting in the distance. It was beautiful. So peaceful and pretty.

He didn’t answer, but I felt Zach watching me as I tipped my head back and inhaled a deep breath. I could taste the sea air. There had been a time, when my mom was near the end, that I thought I wouldn’t get through it. I couldn’t see past the heart wrenching grief, the constant pit of despair in my stomach.

But I’d done it.

I’d survived the single worst experience of my life, and now here I was, trying. For her.

Nothing Callum or my father or even Zach did, could touch me. Because I was different now, hardened from losing the person I’d loved most in the world.

He doesn’t know. I shut the little voice down. Zach knowing wouldn’t change anything.

The wheel lurched to a stop, the car swinging back and forth, and I swallowed the flash of panic.

“Isn’t this fun?” Josie yelled and I was surprised she could talk, what with all the supposed kissing.

“What?” I barked, growing impatient with the way Zach was watching me.

I was done with the whole goddamn night. If Victoria hadn’t gotten her heel stuck, he’d have been sitting here with Kira right now, not me. Maybe they would have done a whole lot more than kiss at the top of the ride.

I needed to remember that.

“I’m just wondering how I can hate you so much but still want to kiss you,” he said as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

Zach pressed his thigh against mine, twisting his body into me a little. My breath caught, my heart racing in my chest as a beat passed between us. His eyes dropped to my lips, tracing their shape.

“Don’t even think about it,” I breathed, pressing myself against the back of the cart.

“No?” His voice cracked with lust. “Not even for good luck?”

He was close now.

Too close.

My body was paralyzed as he cupped my face, brushing

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