On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,50

it rose, it fell, sinking back down to its cradle.

“No fucking way.”

“What did I tell you, man?” Dev snorted. “Every damn time.”

“I bet Zach could do it,” Kira purred, running one of her manicured fingernails down his arm.

“You should totally try to win her a prize, Zach.” Victoria grinned with approval.

I may have retched a little. Kira was being so obvious, touching him. Batting her long lashes his way and constantly chewing her bottom lip as if it were the sexiest thing known to man.

“Down girl,” Josie whispered, sneaking up on me out of nowhere. My head snapped around and I pursed my lips. “We should all ride the Ferris wheel,” she suggested.

“I’ll ride with you,” I said.

“No way. You can ride with Joel. I’m sure one of the guys will ride with me.”

My money was on Brad, but I kept my theory to myself.

“Do you want to?” Joel asked, hope glittering in his eyes.

I glanced back at Zach, barely able to hide my irritation at the sight of Kira draped all over him. “Sure,” I said, flashing Joel a tentative smile.

“We’re going to check out the Ferris wheel.” He grabbed my hand and started pulling me in the direction of the ride.

Everyone joined the line with us, and somehow, I ended up wedged in between Joel and Zach. He had his back to me, acting as if I wasn’t there, as he chatted to Kira and Victoria. But I felt him. Much like my mom, Zach was also ingrained on my soul. The lingering thread that had once tethered us was still there, expanding and contracting under the surface.

“We’re an odd number,” Saul said.

“Tough shit, Jameson. You’ll have to ride alone.”

“Fuck that. Vic, babe, ride with me.” He dropped down on one knee and clasped his hands together.

“Jesus, Saul, you’re making a scene.” She tried to yank him to his feet, but he refused to budge.

“Say yes, and I’ll get up.”

“Yes, you stupid idiot.” Victoria shook her head playfully, lapping up the attention. “But keep your wandering hands to yourself.”

“Deal.” He leaped up and pulled her into a bear hug. “She said yes, ladies and gents.”

“Oh my god,” Kira said. “Doesn’t he realize she’s still with Declan?”

That sobered the mood. Saul released Victoria so fast she stumbled a little. But Zach was there to catch her. “You good?”

She nodded.

“Shit, Vic, I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

“It’s okay.” She gave Saul a sad smile. “I’m okay. Besides, we all know you prefer dick to pussy.”

“What the hell?” he spluttered, the blood draining from his face. “I don’t—”

“No? Huh,” Victoria shrugged, “I always assumed you were gay.”

The guys fell about into fits of laughter as Josie and I shared an amused smile.

“You know when I was in high school,” she continued to hold court, “there was this silly tradition that whenever you rode the Ferris wheel with someone, you had to kiss them when you stopped at the top otherwise it was bad luck.”

“Bull. Shit,” Dev grumbled.

Victoria’s eyes flicked to mine. She’d barely spoken two words to me or Josie, but Josie insisted we didn’t let her intimidate us.

“I’m down for some lip on lip action,” Saul smacked his lips together, “just say the word.”

“Maybe I’ll ride with Kira after all.”

“Hell no,” Kira laced her arm through Zach’s, “He’s is going to distract me from my fear of heights, aren’t you, Zach?”


Could she be any more obvious? He wasn’t even really paying her that much attention.

More than you though.

“Almost there,” Josie’s announcement pulled me from my thoughts.

“Shit, my heel is stuck.”

I smothered the laughter bubbling in my chest at the sight of Victoria trying to free her designer shoes from the ground. Saul bent down to try to free her while Kira pulled her leg.

“Best thing I’ve seen all day,” Josie whispered, and I couldn’t help smother a snicker.

Served her right for wearing stilettos to the fairground.

“A little help?” Saul looked to his teammates, but it was Joel who stepped forward.

“Try slipping off her shoe and pulling it out that way.”

“Next,” the ride attendant called.

“For the love of God, don’t make me ride alone,” Josie groaned.

“I’ll hop on with you.” Brad slipped past me before anyone could say anything.

“Another two,” the guy said.

I was next in line, but Joel was still helping Victoria and Saul. “I’m sorry,” I said to the guy. “Can we just wait a sec—”

“Let’s go, James.” Zach nudged me forward.

“What the hell are you doing?” I sneered, digging my sneakers into the ground.

“Are you riding or not?” The attendant

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