On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,114

earlier that Joel had invited a plus one to their dinner with their parents.

“So bad.” She snickered. “She spent the entire meal with her lips attached to my brother’s neck. I could barely eat my meal.”

“She sounds... lovely. And Brad?”

“What about Brad?” Her eyes hardened.

“Are you two...?” My smile fell as something caught Josie’s eyes and tears pooled in the corners, clinging to her lashes.

I turned slowly, gasping when I saw what she’d already spotted: Brad with his hands all over some girl.

“He wouldn’t,” I whispered, clutching her hand. “He cares about you.”

“Not enough apparently.” Josie spun around and ordered another drink. “I can’t believe I was foolish enough to think he’d choose me.”

“Josie, you don’t know the facts yet.” Although Brad seemed to have no problem letting the busty blonde sidle up to him. They were laughing and when she leaned up to whisper something in his ear, his eyes lit up with hunger.

Josie knocked back her drink in one.

“Is that a good idea?” I asked.

“We shouldn’t have come,” she murmured. “He told me not to come.”

“He did?”

She looked at me, her bottom lip wobbling. “Said it would be too hard on us both. And he knew my parents would be here. I think he got cold feet.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I knew... I knew he wouldn’t choose me over his stupid team, but I let myself fall for him anyway.” Her eyes flicked down the room. “Will you hate me if we leave? I can’t do it, Calli, I can’t be here and watch him with her.”

“Of course not, let’s go”. I grabbed her hand and led her back through the crowd. But a hand shot out and stopped me.


I glanced up at my father. “Oh, it’s you. Now is not a good—”

“Please,” Callum said, joining us. “We’d really like it if we could all get a drink. For old times’ sake.”

“Go,” Josie said. “I’ll be fine.”

“No, I’ll come.”

“No, you should stay.” She gave me a pointed look.

“You’re sure?”

Josie nodded. “You need to do this,” she whispered.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hugged her tight. “He’s a fool, Jos. Because you’re worth it, babe. You’re so worth it.”

A weak smile tugged at her mouth. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” She disappeared into the sea of bodies.

“Will she be okay?” Callum asked me.

“Yeah, she’s just... it doesn’t matter. Congratulations, you played a good game.” God, this was awkward.

“Can I get you a drink, Calliope?”

“No one calls me that anymore, Dad,” I said.

“Yes, well—”

“There he is,” a deep baritone voice said, and Timothy Messiah clapped my dad on the shoulder. “Andrew, it’s good to see you again. You too, Callum.” He pulled my brother in for a hug.

I spotted Zach lingering behind, his expression grim.

“We’re glad you came, Callum,” Victoria appeared at Tim’s side.

“Ah there she is,” he slipped his arm around her shoulder, “the girl holding us altogether.”

“Victoria is helpful like that,” my brother gritted out.

Indignation flashed in her eyes, but she schooled her expression into a warm smile. “You’re too kind, Callum.”

“Son, get over here.” Tim beckoned for Zach to join us. “We’re celebrating.”

Callum’s teeth ground together as he visibly withdrew. I offered him a reassuring smile.

“We don’t want to intrude, Tim,” my dad said. “We’re just here to show our support.”

“Nonsense, Drew. Drink with me.” He thrust his glass in the air, sloshing liquid everywhere. “It’s a celebration. We should drink.”

Apparently, he’d had one too many drinks already.

“Dad, come on, I think that’s enough.” Zach tried to lead him away, but Tim shirked him off.

“I’m fine, Son. Got plenty of life left in me yet. Where’s your mother? She should be here. She should—”

“Mom already left, Dad,” he said quietly, pain glittering in his eyes.

“She did?” Tim frowned. “But it’s a celebration. The team did good tonight. They’re looking strong. Don’t you think they’re looking strong, Drew?”

“They played well,” my dad agreed, “I think they have a real shot this season.”

“Damn right, they do. They’re going to go all the way.” He roped his arm around Zach’s neck and pulled him close. “With my boy Declan at the helm, they’ll go all the way.”

My eyes widened with disbelief as a gasp escaped my lips. Zach’s eyes shuttered, his mouth twisting with anguish. “Nice, Dad, real nice,” he muttered.

“Z- Zach?” Tim blinked at his son, confusion clouding his eyes. “N- no, you’re not—”

“Okay, Tim,” Victoria said, showing a crack of concern through her usually perfect veneer. “Why don’t we get you home.”

“But the party—”

“Come on, Dad. The party is over.”

They started to

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