On The Rebound (Steinbeck U #1) - L.A. Cotton Page 0,113

the one thing that had always brought me joy.

But I missed it.

I missed the weight of my camera around my neck, the feel of the clicker beneath my finger. I missed spending time perfecting the shot, hearing the click click click of the shutter.

God, I missed it.

“This is amazing,” Jasmine breathed, peeking up at me.

“Yeah.” I couldn’t deny I felt swept up in the electric atmosphere. Everyone was here for Declan, to support a team who had lost their leader and star player.

But me...

I was here for his replacement.

I was here for the boy who was born to play, even if he’d never wanted it.

After the game, I’d taken Jasmine and the boys home with Maureen. Josie wanted me to go to dinner with her parents, but I didn’t want to spend two hours trying to avoid Joel, so I used the kids as an excuse.

They’d been bouncing off the ceilings, high on adrenaline at the fact the Scorpions had beat the alumni team by three points. All the candy hadn’t helped. But it was good to see Jasmine excited about something. She had that sparkle in her eye. The same sparkle I’d seen so many times, growing up with Callum.

By the time I reached The Pivot, my heart was racing, and my stomach fluttered with butterflies.

“Hey,” Josie jogged over to me. “Everything okay?”

“I guess.”

“We don’t have to go in there. We can go back to the dorm and—”

“No,” I took a deep breath, “I have to do this.”

Something had happened to me watching the game. It was like my past had circled the arena, slowly creeping up on me. My dad had been there somewhere in the crowd, Zach’s parents too, while we all watched Zach and my brother play the game that had caused me so much heartache over the years.

But it was just that... a game.

I didn’t have to give it power over me anymore. It had already cost me too much.

Losing my mom made me realize how short and precious life was. I’d been given another chance with Zach. I wasn’t going to let basketball or our families come in the way of that.

“Okay, then, let’s go.” Josie went first, holding the door for me as I slipped inside. The bar was full of players, students, and their families.

“Wow, it’s busy.”

“Everyone wants a piece of a Scorpion.” She rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the back of the bar.

Zach spotted me first. His eyes raked over my body. I’d kept it casual, jean shorts and a SU t-shirt, but the way he looked at me made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the room.

With the heat in his eyes, I half-expected him to stride over here and claim me in front of everyone, but he didn’t. And I couldn’t deny it stung a little. But it was only what I’d asked of him. We needed to survive tonight and then we could come clean to everyone.

Josie managed to get us to the temporary bar set up at the back of the room. “Two beers, please,” she said to the server.

“I wasn’t expecting to see you here.” I looked up to find Joel standing there.

“I... uh, hi.”

“Actually, I was talking to my sister.”

“Wow, okay.” Hurt swam in my chest.

“Joel, don’t be an asshole.”

“I’m not... it’s just weird.” He ran a hand down his face, letting out an exasperated breath. “I’m sorry, Calli. That was rude.”

“It’s nothing I don’t deserve.”

“No, it was uncalled for. I get why you did it. Well, I mean, I don’t, not really... but Josie assures me it’s complicated, and I trust her with my life, so...”

“I really am sorry,” I said. “I tried to tell you but every time something got in the way... and I can’t help but think it wouldn’t have changed anything.”

“You’re right, it wouldn’t.” He shrugged. “The rules are there for a reason.”

Josie scoffed at that.

Joel narrowed his eyes at her. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, big brother, it means nothing. You should go. I think cheerleader Barbie Britney is waiting for you.”

His cheeks pinked. “Yeah, okay.” He looked ready to say something else, but he thought better of it as he melted back into the crowd.

“Don’t,” she said.

“I wasn’t—”

“Yes, you were. You were about wallow in your feelings. I give you permission to not wallow. It’s over, it’s done. No one really got hurt and Joel has moved on with Barbie Britney.”

“She is that bad?” Josie had told me

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