The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,39

to call her, but you should be real careful.”

“What? What the?...” Brianna lost it.

Donovan heard her sniffling. She uttered a soft wail that was drowned in grief. It broke Donovan’s heart to hear her like that. He didn’t think he was a bad person. And he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong with Kyra. But there was no doubt he was hurting his woman. He had a strong urge to end their relationship right now, so at least he wouldn’t cause her anymore pain.

“Why are you so worried about her?” Brianna cried. “What about me, Donovan? What about your girlfriend? Do you care anything about me?”

She was full-out crying now. Her words cut like a knife. Donovan winced and found himself doubting his decisions. Was he doing Brianna wrong? Was it okay for him to care about and spend time with Kyra? Even Kyra said she couldn’t do it, if she was in Brianna’s shoes.

Donovan accepted that he wasn’t handling this situation well, but he also wasn’t doing the things Brianna thought he was. He had no intention of starting a relationship with Kyra. And nothing he’d done for Kyra was to impress her or make her want to be more than friends. He was attracted to Kyra, at times, but he wouldn’t make a move on her – not even if he was single.

His mind made up, Donovan knew it was time to take a hard line with his woman. Kyra thought Brianna would be the one to put her foot down. But Donovan knew he had to do it himself.

“Stop crying, Brianna. I do care about you.”

“No you don’t!”

“Yes I do. But you’re too upset to talk. I’m going to hang up the phone.”

“Don’t hang up on me!”

“Brianna, if you want to talk about this in a calm manner, I’ll try my best to explain the situation again. But right now you’re not listening. You’re mad, and I understand that. I think you need time to cool down.”

This was how Donovan spoke to his students when they got out of line. He didn’t think it would work on an adult, but Brianna tried to get herself together. She stopped sniveling and gradually her breathing slowed.

“Where are you? Are you almost home? I want to come over.”

“No,” Donovan said. “I don’t want to see you tonight.”

“Wh, why?”

“Because I don’t like this pattern,” Donovan said. “I don’t think you need to see me every time you get upset.”

“But I want to see you,” Brianna said. “I do need to see you, Donovan!”

“It’s almost nine o’clock on a Wednesday night,” he reminded. “We both got work tomorrow. You need to try to get some sleep. And I do, too.”

“Donovan, please…”

“No, Brianna. Damn!”

“Is, is she still with you?”


“You know who.”

Donovan took the phone away from his face and stared at it. He almost hung up on her. “You’re asking if I’m taking Kyra home with me?” he growled.

After a pause Brianna said, “Are you?”

Donovan took a deep breath, realizing he needed to calm down just as much as she did. “I’m going to hang up now,” he said. “But for the record, no, I’m not taking Kyra home with me. She’s just my friend. And also, for the record, I’m not going to stop being her friend just because it hurts you. You need to accept that she’s not a threat, and she’s not going away. And you need to make a decision: Do you still want to be with me, or not?”

“I don’t think I can do it.”

Donovan’s whole body went cold. He had been with this woman for eight months. Brianna was needy, but she loved him dearly. But lately Donovan wondered if Brianna had the wrong kind of love. Sick, obsessive love is not good for anyone.

“Why don’t you think about it and let me know tomorrow.”

“I want you to stop seeing her.”

“I can’t do that,” Donovan said.

“If you don’t stop, then I can’t be with you.”

There it was. He forced her hand, and Brianna gave him the ultimatum he’d been dreading. Donovan gave his response all the reverence it deserved, but his feelings didn’t change.

“I’m sorry to hear that. I guess we have to break up then.”


Donovan frowned. That wasn’t one of the replies he expected. What did she mean no?

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t wanna leave you,” Brianna cried. “I never want to lose you!”

Donovan exited the freeway with his eyes narrowed in confusion. How does someone not let you break up with them? And never want Copyright 2016 - 2024