The Realest Ever - By Keith Thomas Walker Page 0,38

then she looked down at her chest. “Boy, shut up.” She giggled as she pranced back to the porch.

Donovan saw that her body was bouncy in the front and in the back.

“I can’t help the way God made me,” Kyra said, and she slipped inside the house.

No, you certainly can’t, Donovan agreed. And I thank Him. Well, not me, but some lucky guy will!



Donovan called Brianna on his way home from Kyra’s house. She tried to reach him when he was at McDonalds, but Donovan didn’t answer. He sent her straight to voicemail. He was surprised Brianna only sent him two text messages since then. The first one read: Still at practice? In the second one she asked: Where are you?

Brianna answered her phone on the second ring.

“Donovan?” She sounded worried.

“Hey, baby. What’s up?”

“What’s going on?” she asked. “Where are you? Did practice run long?”

It was 8:30 pm. Donovan kept his team on the field as late as 7:00 pm every now and then, but that was not the norm. He figured he could tell Brianna, Yes, that’s exactly where I was, and they’d get through this day without an argument. But Donovan didn’t want to lie. He never liked being dishonest, especially with a girlfriend. It was bad enough he hadn’t told Brianna about his and Kyra’s ill-fated kiss. Donovan didn’t want to get into a pattern of telling half truths where Kyra was concerned.

He bit the bullet and said, “I just left Kyra’s house.”

Brianna mulled that over for a moment. “What did you go over there for? How long have you been there? Why didn’t you answer your phone when I called?”

Donovan sighed. Was this it? His next answer could end their relationship or lead to one of the biggest fights they ever had. Was Kyra worth it? Donovan answered his question before it even sank in. Of course she was.

“I didn’t answer when you called because I knew you’d give me the third degree, and I didn’t want to go through that while Kyra was sitting there. I don’t want her to know how bad things are between us; how much you don’t trust me.”

“You put your phone on silent?”

“No, I just didn’t take your call.”

“Because of her?”

“Because I didn’t want to argue in front of her, yes.”

“What’d you go over there for? I don’t want you going over there.”

“I had to take her some papers about some jobs I think she should apply for.”

“What jobs?”

“In the school district.”

“So now you’re trying to get her a job, so y’all can work together? I don’t like this, Donovan.”

“No, not with me. Just somewhere in the district.”

“And you couldn’t have called her and told her about those jobs?”

Donovan grunted. He wanted to tell her to get off his damn back. But a part of him still felt that her curiosity was warranted. If Brianna started to pal around with an old guy friend, Donovan figured he’d interrogate her as well – but not like this.

“Yes I could’ve called her,” he said. “But Kyra doesn’t have a computer. I wanted to give her the papers so she would know the exact job titles and reference numbers and stuff.”

“You couldn’t have read that to her on the phone?”

“I suppose so. And do you see why I didn’t answer when you called? You think I wanted to answer all of these questions while I was with her?”

Brianna ignored his comment and pushed forward with her inquisition. “If you could’ve read it to her on the phone, why’d you go over there? Why didn’t you call me first and tell me you wanted to go over there.”

“It would’ve took too long to read all of that. And I didn’t realize I needed your permission to get in my car and drive somewhere.”

Brianna ignored his sarcasm. “Did you want to see her?”

That question had plenty of obvious and hidden booby traps. Donovan didn’t want to go anywhere near it.

“I told you why I went over there.”

“What time did you get there?”

Donovan pursed his lips. He’d been fair and open, but she wasn’t letting up. How much more of this did she think he would put up with? Brianna heard him exhale roughly.

“You don’t wanna answer my questions?” she asked.

“Who the hell would want this, Brianna? I’m not in jail. I don’t have to put up with–”

“Yes you do have to answer my questions, Donovan! I’m letting you spend time with that, that–”

“Be real careful,” Donovan warned.


“I don’t know what you’re about Copyright 2016 - 2024