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bowed in Penny's direction. "I never have to take command of a lovely woman. Women are usually quite happy to give me what I wish."

Penny laughed again, this time with genuine amusement. "Are you kidding? You've got to be kidding. Does that line work? Seriously?" She glanced at me. "Uh, maybe I'll shut up now."

"No, you've just made me proud." I grinned at Ian. "Modern women and even us ancient ones who've figured out how to get with the program are way over that command thing, Ian. You really do need a new line."

Ian exchanged looks with Ray. "Say what you will, Gloriana. I think most women do like a man who takes charge. At least when there's trouble. Your Campbell seems to hold your interest and he certainly is that type."

"Yes, well, that tendency of his has caused us some problems over the years." I really wanted to change the subject. "But Penny's here to talk to you about your research. And I know Ray's interested in it too. What do you think of Austin?"

"I like it. Property's certainly cheaper than it is on the West Coast." Ian looked out at the lake. "And I like settings like this one. Isolated. Yet close enough to an airport and technology to support my needs."

"Exactly. That's what I've been telling you." Ray stepped closer. "And, Glory, you'll like this. Ian says I've got to be off the sauce if I want to be part of his daylight experiments. That's why he was on board to do the rehab thing with me."

"That's great, Ray. At least the rehab part of it. I can tell you're off the sauce. You look good." I turned to Ian. "Daylight experiments. How experimental?" I hooked my arm through Ray's. "I really don't want to lose this man to a sunburn."

"Nothing dangerous. But, as I explained to Caine, I can't have extraneous chemicals in his system when I'm using my own formulas on him." Ian studied Penny. "You're blocking your thoughts, but I know you wanted to ask me about my work. Why don't you and I sit down and I'll show you some of my notes? Explain some of my projects." Ian glanced at me. "We'll be in Caine's study. Is that all right with you, Gloriana?"

"I don't need her permission, Mr. MacDonald." Penny shot me a look.

"Of course not," I said quickly.

"It's Dr. MacDonald, Penny. I have several PhDs and got my medical degree some decades ago as well. When you're immortal, you can indulge all your curiosities." Ian smiled. "But call me Ian, of course.

"Thanks, Ian. And it's Dr. Patterson since I got my own PhD," Penny said proudly. "But of course you can call me Penny. I'd been thinking about going to medical school myself before I got the big bite. I'd love to know how you managed it at night." They wandered off toward where I guess Ray had a study.

"Looks like a match made in heaven," Ray said quietly.

"Maybe. If I trusted Ian." I sighed. "This is a beautiful place. Much as I hate the water, I could even go for a boat ride on a night like this."

"How about skinny dipping?" Ray had that look in his eyes, that twinkle that always made me wish for a little more with him.

"That water's got to be frigid." I leaned against the wide stone wall. "Remember our run-in with Aggie during a midnight boat ride?" The Siren had had a crush on Ray, but that hadn't stopped her from forcing us to do her bidding or else suffer dire consequences. In hindsight, I understood. She'd been cursed, put into a hideous body by a jealous goddess. Kind of like how I'd been stuck with the demon Alesa. Things like that made you desperate, and you did stuff you normally wouldn't do. Though Aggie wasn't all sweetness and light even after her curse was lifted.

"Who could forget? She was one creepy sea monster. I'm glad she doesn't live in this lake." Ray chuckled. "I admit I keep expecting her to climb onto this terrace some night and try to seduce me."

"If she's in her hot human body, you'll probably let her." I gave him a hip bump.

"Maybe." He slid his arm around my waist again. "Thanks for helping me dry out this time. I'm still struggling with it, but Ian's given me the incentive I needed to stick with it. He's got some meds too that helped me with withdrawal. I'm doing better Copyright 2016 - 2024