Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,90

obviously fascinated.

"Oh, he wanted to study me. Turn me into one of his personal lab rats. Claimed none of his other diet patients had ever experienced the same reaction." I was having trouble slowing down on this delicious drink but I knew these were the only two bottles of this type in the fridge.

"Yes, you were an anomaly then. He'd want to know why. Did you at least let him have a blood sample?" Penny had already gulped down her bottle and set the empty in a drink holder. Typical newbie lack of control.

"No, I didn't. He and Jerry have issues. An old clan feud. I couldn't cooperate with Ian on anything, not with a war about to break out. Speaking of, I've got to call Jer and let him know where we're going." I pushed the call button for the driver and got Ray's address, then pulled my cell out of my pocket.

"You were smart. I left my purse back at N-V. In the employee break room." Penny sighed. "Trey and I went over to the park, to practice my shifting. We were having fun and then those two bozos showed up."

I laughed. "Well, one bozo and a freak." I explained to her about Spyte's clown persona.

"This job for Lucifer isn't endangering your immortal soul, is it, Glory?" Penny put her hand on my arm.

"I hope not." I shook my head. "No, of course not. I won't let it. I'm just helping Rafe pay off a debt. Nothing more." I looked out the tinted window and watched the houses get farther apart as we headed toward Ray's rented home in the hills. I hit speed dial for Jerry and told him where we were going, listened to yet another lecture about Ian, and managed to leave out any mention of Penny's run-in with the demons. I ended the call, then made a quick one to Rafe, ending it just as the limo stopped in the curved driveway in front of a large home built of native limestone. Bodyguards kept the paparazzi outside an iron gate.

The driver opened the car door and helped us out. Ray must have heard the car arrive because he was smiling as he stood in the doorway. I noticed two more bodyguards, these Ian's, patrolling the grounds and pointed them out to Penny. They were blond surfer types, vampires of course, and Ian's trademark.

"There you are. I was beginning to worry." Ray kissed me on my cheek and did a fist bump with Penny. "Thought maybe you'd talked the kid here into chickening out."

"No, she's not a kid, as she frequently reminds me. And she deserves to meet Ian if she wants." I walked inside and gasped. The wall of windows exposed a panoramic view of a lake. No telling which one, Austin has several. Didn't matter. The moonlight on the water and the sprinkling of stars above and the few lights from houses rimming the lake below made for a beautiful setting.

"You like?" Ray kept his arm around me.

"Love it. This is even nicer than the last house you rented." I moved toward the terrace, a stone one easily accessed from doors off the living area. "Great for parties. The steps go down to a boat dock?"

"Of course. I've got a new boat on order. You know me. I like loud and fast." He squeezed my waist. "In my women too. Though once I've got 'em, I like to slow it way down."

"Ray!" I glanced at Penny.

"Hey, don't mind me. I can read his mind, remember?" She laughed. "Oops, I promised I'd quit doing that."

"It's not advisable to intrude uninvited." The deep voice sounded amused and we all turned to see Ian MacDonald stroll into the room. Ian was yet another handsome vampire. He looked more Viking than Scot, as if a Norse raider might have made a pit stop at the MacDonald castle back in the day. His light blond hair, piercing blue eyes and sharp nose, along with his deep tan were enough to make any woman sigh. Penny actually did, then she laughed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I'm still learning. Only been a vampire for two weeks." She held out her hand.

"Uh, Penny, don't do that." I stepped between Penny and Ian with a smile. "I keep forgetting to tell you things. Some powerful vampires, like Ian here, can use touching your hand to take command of your will."

"Now, Gloriana, is that any way to introduce me to your fledgling?" Ian smiled and Copyright 2016 - 2024