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move or say another word. What could I say? He was right. This was for him to decide. I couldn't erase the past.

"Killing him might help."

I jerked out of his arms. "Don't even joke about such a thing!"

"Who's joking? Sending that demon dog to hell would go a long way to making me feel better."

I jumped up. "Well, it's not an option. Not if you're interested in ever getting together with me again."

He stood and faced me. "You're not helping matters, Gloriana, by defending him." He yanked me into his arms. "Forget him, damn it."

He kissed me then, the kind of soul-stirring kiss that never failed to weaken my knees and remind me of who'd made me. This time? I had his words ringing in my ears, damning Rafe. A man I did love. But Jerry? I grabbed his hair and felt his fangs scrape my tongue as he kept kissing me. I kissed him back, pushing my body against his.

He finally raised his head, his eyes narrowed. "Trying too hard, Gloriana. Yes, I still want you, stupid to deny it." He pushed his hips against me and it wasn't news that he was hard. "But I've always been a fool for you. I even thought we would be together forever."

"So did I." I brushed his cheek, wanting that. Why did I even hesitate? Was it because I still felt his disapproval? And why had I ever been tempted by Rafe? Was it because my relationship with Jerry didn't satisfy me on some level? Too many questions to just brush past this and pretend things were okay between us.

"I need to cool off." He frowned and put some space between us. "And you need to be sure you're ready to let go of Valdez as a lover."

"I am. I have. Rafe understands that we're done, Jerry!" I flushed and stared at his shirt, not wanting him to see how hard that decision had been for me. "The demon influenced me before or I never - "

"So you say." Jerry shook his head. "But you and Valdez are close. You share secrets and keep them from me. And you love each other. You've said that more than once."

"Yes, but as friends." I met his gaze this time, though it wasn't easy. Could I just be friends with a man I'd made love with? A man who could still make my heart race when his hungry eyes met mine? I'd have to, if I wanted to be with Jerry.

"Enough. We need to take a break." Jerry turned and walked to the door.

"Jerry, no!" I threw myself on him, gripping his shoulders and pressing my breasts against his back. I laid my cheek against the soft cotton of his shirt.

"I'm going, Gloriana. I've said all I need to say."

"I hate to see you leave like this, still so angry." His muscles tightened under my arms as I held on to him. "Please stay." My breath hitched. If I slid down to his feet and begged, dragged him to my bed, I might win the night, but not the battle. And we'd both hate me for it later.

"No, Gloriana. There is no point. You need to be around Valdez without that demon inside you and see where things stand between you." He turned and took my hands, holding them between us. "I need to know where things stand."

"I told you." I gasped when Jerry shoved me away and opened the door.

"Oh, yes, you told me." His face was set, his lips firm. He let me see his pain and I bit my lip.

"Next time block your thoughts, Gloriana, if you don't want me to hear them. I'll be back in two weeks. By then, I hope you know who you want. Because if it's the shifter, I'll be relocating. I can't stay around here and watch." With one last look that made my eyes fill, Jerry turned on his heel and left, shutting the door quietly behind him.

I leaned against it, my cheek against the wood. Sweet God in Heaven. What had I done?

Chapter Three

"You okay, Glory?" Penny had obviously taken out her earbuds.

"As well as can be expected. Jerry's gone. Business trip." I headed back to the couch. I might never get dressed again. Maybe I'd sell my business. Become one of those weird vampires who lived in a cave and flew with bats. I was so depressed I was thinking about giving up cute shoes.

"Did you two break up?" Penny hurried Copyright 2016 - 2024