Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,75

can become a vampire who can walk and play in the sun." Caryon laughed and I got chills. He was talking in my mind and I answered him the same way.

"You couldn't really - "

"Need proof?" Caryon gave me one of his full-on creepy fang smiles. "Just look in your bathroom mirror."

"Then Ray . . ." I felt his other hand slide down to pull me closer, our chests and hips pressed against each other as his mouth worked on my throat. I couldn't let him drink much longer. He was enjoying this, his mind open as he wondered if making a move on me now was worth risking being shot down again. But it was a brief thought, most of him caught up in the pleasure of taking in ancient vampire blood.

I knew how Ray would react to an offer of daylight. He wouldn't hesitate. Hell? To Ray that would be an abstract when he was all about the concrete, the here and now. And he'd easily blow off immortality if he could have his old pleasures back. Ray was all about pleasures.

"Oh, I see you know how seductive that would be to the rock star. Do you dare make the offer? Think about it. You say you love the man. If you truly do, why not give him his heart's desire?" Caryon began to fade away. He'd been in his usual dark suit and tie, not a hair out of place. "Make the offer, Glory. Then Caine won't need to lose his mind and dull his pain with alcohol. How do you like this proof that I can stay away from your friends? This one, anyway." That had sounded like a taunt just before he disappeared.

I probed Ray's mind again and got a glimpse of yearning that made me sigh. I knew what that felt like, to crave something just out of reach. But I also knew that this evil bargain wasn't the way for Ray to get it. I shoved at him, suddenly sure that I'd been so distracted that I was in danger of letting him take too much of my blood. I sat up and the room swirled around me.

"You okay?" Ray held on to me when I bent over and rested my head on my knees.

"Bring me one of the synthetics out of the fridge." I took a breath, feeling queasy. I wasn't sure if it was from blood loss or Caryon's offer. Both were a possibility. Ray put a cold bottle in my hand, then went to answer the door when I hadn't even heard a knock.

"What the hell has been going on here?" Rafe was by my side. "Did you drain her dry, asshole?"

"Didn't think so." Ray sat on my other side. Seemed it was my night for being surrounded by hot guys. "Drink, Glory. Hell, I'm sorry. Guess I got carried away. You should have stopped me."

"You should have stopped yourself." Rafe looked like he wanted to start a fight with Ray when I glanced at him.

"No more fighting in here. I appreciate the concern, but I'm already living in a war zone with almost no furniture. I swear, if I inhale any more testosterone, I'm going to start scratching my crotch and craving Monday-night football. Now, chill." I drank my synthetic and felt better immediately, though Rafe's neck looked awfully tempting.

"You need to feed from me?" Rafe shot Ray a challenging glare. "Help yourself, sweetheart."

"That's all you need. Bite him, Glory, and let Blade walk in on that. There'd be a dog area rug here before you know it." Ray sat back and smiled.

"Son of a bitch!" Rafe jumped to his feet. He'd stayed shifted into dog form as my bodyguard for five long, frustrating years, and Ray wasn't inclined to let him forget it.

"I said chill. I mean it, Rafe. Jealousy is not sexy to me. And hurling insults is childish, Ray. A total turnoff." I drained my bottle and handed it to Ray. "Thanks. That did the trick." I sighed and leaned back. "Now, Ray, Rafe and I have some business to discuss." I glanced at Rafe. "Maybe you could give us some privacy."

"What? You have secrets from me? What's the big deal?" Ray looked like he didn't want to budge.

"We're dealing with some demon issues. Nothing to do with you. If you must know, they'd like your soul. Interested?" There, I'd said it. He did what I thought he'd do, he laughed.

"You're kidding, right? Demons from hell?" Copyright 2016 - 2024