Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,74

that he's a chemist? She said this daylight thing was temporary though."

"Right now it is." Ray winced when Jerry gripped his wrist. "Okay, she's yours. I get it." He removed his arm. "But Ian is a genius. I bet he could use a good assistant. I'll arrange a meeting for you."

"Not a good idea." Jerry glared at Ray. "Never trust a MacDonald, Penny. They're double-dealing cattle thieves."

"Oh, well, then. Penny, listen to the man. Guard your cattle when you meet Ian." Ray chuckled. "Did you just hear yourself, Blade?"

"Stop baiting him, Ray." I patted Jerry's knee. "Jerry has his reasons for mistrusting Ian. There's an age-old feud going between the families. But also, Ian is tricky. I don't exactly trust him either and his diet drug gave me weird side effects."

"But he's brilliant. You said it yourself." Penny stood and walked to the breakfast room and her computer. "First, I'm finding a home for the rats. I can't take the smell and it's not healthy for them either, it's so overcrowded. I'm not sure where I'd find enough cages for them at this time of night though."

"I know where to go." Jerry got up and headed for the door. "Come with me, Penny. We'll take my SUV and get what you need." He turned and pinned Ray with a hard look. "Can I trust you to behave?"

"Really, Jerry, what kind of question is that?" I stood and marched to the door. "You can trust me. That's all you need to know. Now thanks for helping Penny." I kissed his cheek and watched them both head down the stairs. I knew he'd been trying, but as a "work in progress" he had a long way to go.

I shut the door and turned to Ray. "How are you feeling?"

"Not so hot." He stretched out on the couch. In low-slung jeans and nothing else, he was still a sight to make a girl drool. "I was putting on a good show, wasn't I? Didn't want Blade to know how bad I felt, it's a guy thing. Though he was actually pretty decent to me before you got home."

"Yes, you're obviously a good actor. Jerry doesn't bother to mask his feelings, the jealous ones anyway. But, like you, if he's in pain, he'd rather die than let on he's less than a hundred percent." I leaned down and touched his forehead under the silky hair that had fallen into his bright blue eyes. "You're very cold to the touch. Have you fed today? The Bulgarian brew has real blood in it. I'll bring you some."

Ray pulled me down on top of him, showing surprising strength. "I'd rather have some of what you've got. You know vampire blood heals us faster than anything."

"Ray, this isn't a good idea." I lay on top of him, inhaling him. This brought back some memories in a rush, some good, some not so great. He had the same charisma that always pulled me in, but then he could be a world-class jerk, especially to the man I loved.

"Please?" He ran his hand up under my hair and just smiled, such a sad smile, like he knew he'd never have me now. Okay, of course I was being manipulated but I went along with it anyway.

"All right. Take what you need. But this isn't foreplay." I started to offer my wrist but didn't bother. Why not let him take what he wanted from where he wanted it? It might keep him from turning back to the alcoholic stuff. I still couldn't get the visit from Spyte out of my mind. No way did I want Ray to sell his soul to Lucifer and there were things he'd do it for. Spyte had nailed it with that chance to live in the light as Ray used to as a mortal. Or maybe he'd choose to get his mortality back.

"There you go, Glory. Now you're thinking like one of us." Caryon stood beside the couch, watching as Ray sank his fangs into the vein at my neck.

I expected Ray to jerk and react but he started drinking with a sigh of pleasure, his hand on my back anchoring us together.

"Oh, he can't see or hear me. Just you can. But now's your opportunity. Yes, we can give him his mortality back. Or, if he wants to stay vampire? He can get that gift of sunlight. Just like we gave you your reflection. If Israel Caine will sell his soul to Lucifer, he Copyright 2016 - 2024