Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,133

Harvey winked at me.

"Oh, you!" Emmie patted his knee. "Anyway, these women who loved more than one man just spend time with each of them as they feel the urge. There's no jealousy there. The men don't bump into each other and they stay busy doing whatever they dreamed of on earth. Maybe lying back in front of a TV like Harvey, though the golf course gets a lot of play."

"Yeah, never did cotton to that game." Harvey leaned against Emmie. "Glad I don't have to share you, though, hon."

"As far as you know." This time Emmie winked at me. "Anyway, the ladies see who they want as long as they want, then move on. As I said, Heaven is how you want it to be." She grabbed Harvey's hand and squeezed it. "Calm down. You know you're my one and only." She kissed his flushed cheek.

"Sounds perfect." I sighed.

"There you go." Harvey cleared his throat. "But no need for you to rush to get there. You got a good many years left on this earth. I got that on good authority." He flew close and brushed my cheek with his wings. It felt like a gentle tickle.

"Hush, now, Harvey. We got rules, you know." Emmie sounded hoarse, like maybe she was choking back tears.

"Can I ask you one more question?" I was pretty choked up myself.

"Not sure we can answer it, but shoot." Emmie smiled as Harvey kept flying in circles. "Ignore him, he just loves those wings."

"Why did you come back so tiny?" I reached out my hand and Emmie flew into it. I knew if I closed my fist, I'd crush her. Of course I couldn't imagine doing such a thing.

"Simple, Glory. Just provin' a point. Size don't really matter in the long run. It's how you live and what's inside that counts." Emmie took off then, fluttering past my cheek like Harvey had.

"Just keep fightin', Glory, and let your good heart guide you." Harvey flew a circle around the room. "Rules. Bet those demons don't abide by no rules."

"Bet they do. Now let's go patrol the shop. Head out, Harvey." Emmie buzzed close to my ear. "Our money's on you, Glory. Have faith." Then they both disappeared through the closed door.

I sagged back in my chair. Heaven or hell? No contest. And I sure wanted to meet everyone I knew and loved there someday. So the challenge ahead meant everything to me. This Cone of Silence thing was fantastic and I was putting it to work immediately as I heard a knock on the back door and recognized the reek of Simon Destiny.

I hurried to open it and let him in. Simon stood there for a moment and sniffed the air, then just stared at me. Simon pulled out a handkerchief. It went with the black suit he wore, old-fashioned but clearly custom-tailored and very expensive. Savile Row, if I knew my menswear, and I did. His white shirt had the same look and his tie was a school tie, the kind English gentlemen wore to proclaim their status. That was a laugh. As if Simon had any status outside his ghoulish boys' club of vampires.

"You're alone." He seemed surprised.

"So are you." I wasn't surprised. Simon wouldn't doubt he could take me in a fight. I was no match for an Energy Vampire, never had been. "Come in."

He stepped inside and nodded when I gestured that he could take the chair. He sat, then waited for me to plop down on the table. I really needed to haul in another chair.

"You mentioned a way for me to get to know my son. He gave me an ultimatum. I assume he told you about it." Simon didn't smile and obviously wasn't going to waste time with small talk.

"Yes. Freddy would like to get to know you. Apparently it's a son-father thing. But can't get past the whole EV hoopla. Guess you know what I'm talking about." I sighed. I couldn't do this sitting on a table swinging my legs. I jumped down and began to pace. "You serve one of hell's goddesses. She scares Fred. Scares anyone with good sense. And of course you use that fear to your advantage, Simon."

"Of course." He nodded, looking thoughtful. "I've had centuries to think about this. But I am tied to Honoria. You don't just tender a resignation. She expects a lifetime of service."

"Is there any way to, um, destroy her?" I held my breath. This was the big gamble. Copyright 2016 - 2024