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"What kind of special stuff?" I leaned forward. Help. It was almost too good to be true. Sure I had my three guys who would literally face hell for me, but I was afraid it was all good intentions. They'd be turned into stone warriors at the first sign of trouble and I'd be at Lucifer's mercy again. And there are only so many times you can pull the shower gel trick.

"First, you'll love this. I got it from Get Smart. I watched the original show on TV, might even have been in black-and-white. I can't remember. You're old enough, Glory, you might have watched it then too, but youngsters just know that new movie." Harvey winced and glared at Emmie. "You pinched me!"

"Quit carrying on and get to the point." Emmie smiled at me. "He has endless cable up in Heaven, every channel they put on. His own remote and a top-of-the-line La-Z-Boy. It's a wonder he stirred himself to come help you."

"Now who's off the point?" Harvey poked Emmie with an elbow. "I'll always stir myself for our Glory. Now, as I was saying, that show had what they called a 'Cone of Silence' and that's what the Big Guy upstairs has given us here." He chuckled. "I just love technology."

"Huh. To you technology is the icemaker in the door of the Frigidaire." Emmie huffed.

"Anyway . . ." Harvey ignored his wife who was muttering. "When you're in here, Glory, those demons and suchlike can't hear you. You can make your plans, figure out your moves, and they won't be able to hear a thing. This back room is your Cone of Silence."

"Seriously?" I jumped up. "That's amazing! And just what I need for later tonight."

"And if them demons try to get in here?" Emmie pulled a bottle out of her apron pocket. Tonight she wore a blue print shirtwaist, circa 1950, with a frilly white eyelet apron. "We've got this."

"What is it?" I saw a clear liquid sloshing in the bottle.

"It's water from a lake up there." Emmie grinned. "It's beyond holy. It's sacred. Burns like acid on a demon's skin. Even Lucifer would squawk like a scorched chicken if this hit him."

"Hot diggity dog. I hope those bad boys do make a run at us." Harvey popped his suspenders again. "I'd like to make'em squeal. Chase 'em straight back to hell, I will."

"I can't believe this." I really wanted to hug them, but they were just too tiny. "You mean someone up there thinks I deserve all this?" I sank down on the chair again. "Sometimes I'm really not so sure."

"Now, now, don't you be downing yourself, little gal." Harvey fluttered over to sit on my shoulder. Emmie landed on my other one. "You take our word for it. You've been around an awful long time and your good deeds have piled up pretty durn high."

"That's right, Glory. You surely do deserve our help. Now suck it up and fight off these critters. Win the night!" Emmie flew back to the table. Harvey joined her.

"Are you allowed to tell me any more about Heaven? Is it all cable TV and easy chairs?" I could tell by looking at them how happy they were. They glowed with it.

"La, no! I sure don't sit around all the livelong day watching no box." Emmie laughed. "Honey, Heaven is what you want it to be." Her eyes glittered. "Up there I've got the children I never could have, the grandbabies I always wanted. It's, it's wonderful. Glorious."

"Yep. And my old dog, Traveler, is there at my feet when I feel like watching sports. Or we go out to a real game. Sometimes I play quarterback like I always wanted to, in the NFL." Harvey laughed. "Lot tougher than it looks on TV."

"You two are together. Obviously. What if, what if you love more than one person in your life?" I twisted my fingers in my lap.

"Like three, honey?" Emmie smiled. "I'm here to tell you, it's common as all get-out in Heaven. Think of all the widows who lost number one. Some in a war, some with heart trouble or whatever. Then they fell in love again, maybe even a third time if they outlasted number two." She sighed and looked at Harvey. "My guy never moved on, but he could have. I wouldn't have minded."

"Just never got struck by Cupid's arrow again, honey bunch, and that's a fact. Though the Widow March gave me a run for my money." Copyright 2016 - 2024