Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,120

program got me through a terrible time." I still didn't use a credit card. Had a debit card and that was it. "Now be quiet while I make this call." I hit speed dial for Simon. Yes, I had his number programmed. Don't ask.

"Gloriana. How interesting to hear from you. What could you want?" Simon's deep voice really didn't go with his usual weasel face.

"To talk. Freddy told me you aren't allowed to have a female Energy Vampire. And I was all primed."

"Really?" Simon cleared his throat. "Doubt it. Rumor has it you lost any special abilities when you lost your demon visitor. Bet you didn't think I knew about that, did you?"

"Nothing you know surprises me, Simon." I frowned though. Did Simon still have video cameras hidden in my shop somewhere? I hated the way he sneaked around. "But seems like Honoria really enjoys pulling your chain."

"It's the price I pay for power." Simon chuckled. "Nothing for you to worry about."

"But it's costing you your son. How does that feel?" I waited as silence stretched. "Freddy's pretty torn up about it. He moved to Texas to get to know his father, but he just can't deal with the whole Energy Vampire thing. Bet that was a major disappointment to you."

"What is this? A therapy session?" Simon's voice hardened. "I don't need it."

"Don't hang up. I get that you probably can't talk out there. Not about this. But I may be able to help you shake loose of you-know-who. I have some connections. Because of my recent demonic possession. Meet me in my shop and we can discuss things. If you really want to see Freddy again." I said this in a rush, pretty sure Simon had been close to ending the connection.


I did a gut check. "Tuesday night. Back room of my shop. Nine o'clock. Can you make it?"

"Be alone. I don't want to deal with your friends." He ended the call.

"Good job, Glory. He actually bit." Rafe gave me a high five.

Jerry squeezed my shoulders. "I know why you couldn't meet him tonight. Go rest, sweetheart. We'll talk about the actual meeting later." He looked at Rafe. "I think Penny's room needs a thorough cleaning. What do you say we prove to Gloriana that we can work together on a project, Valdez?"

"Sure. I can get behind that. And we don't need to leave Glo alone either." Rafe winked at me. "Should do you good to see Blade pushing a vacuum cleaner. Am I right?"

"That's not necessary. I can do it. Later." I struggled to my feet. Jerry kept his arm around my waist to steady me.

"No, we've got this. Take care of yourself." He settled me in bed and strode back to the living room. I heard Rafe tell him where he could find that vacuum cleaner.

I lay back and thought about calling Flo. No, it would just upset her. She was safe in Richard's hands and didn't need to be anywhere near me and my angst. Instead, I called CiCi and gave her an update about my meeting with Simon. It felt good to be proactive instead of waiting for something else to happen to me. I fell asleep to the roar of the vacuum, glad that a vampire couldn't have nightmares.

Chapter Sixteen

"Are you sure you're feeling okay, Glory?" Penny asked me for the fifth time. She still thought I'd just suffered a fall in the bathtub.

"Yes, I'm fine. Healing sleep does it every time." I wished that healing had done a job on my soul; it still felt violated. But the fact that I'd sent Lucifer away short of reaching his goal had to count for something. At least that was the positive self-talk I was using to try to get through this night.

"That's amazing. So if I broke a leg or got shot, I'd heal overnight?" Penny settled on the couch.

"Yes, as long as you'd fed well. It can take a couple of nights if you're severely hurt, but that's part of the miracle of immortality. The healing thing. You saw some of that with Ray, though his alcoholism slowed the process." I smiled. "Now I'll ask you for the umpteenth time. Do you need another bottle of synthetic? Are you okay to be around mortals?" I had finished my second bottle and was eyeing the vial Ian had given me. Was it worth the risk? I'd wait and see if Penny's mom's food looked tempting enough. I'd never forget the side effects from Copyright 2016 - 2024