Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,119

off to my room.

Once there I shut the door, then collapsed on the foot of the bed and just stared at my reflection. Yep, still had it. I was tempted to throw something at it and shatter the mirror. Anything that reminded me of hell right now left a bitter taste in my mouth. But Glory St. Clair is a survivor. And if I moped around, cried bitter tears or railed against fate, it would only please Lucifer and make him think he'd won points in some kind of sick game.

So I got up and attacked my drying hair. When I was made up and dressed in jeans and a loose black tee, I walked back out to join the men. They jumped up, both of them with the light of battle in their eyes.

"Any conclusions?" I walked over and got another bottle of synthetic out of the fridge. I needed something to get me pumped up. Sure I was a survivor, but that didn't mean I still wasn't an inch away from crawling back into bed, pulling the covers over my head and staying there, permanently.

"Like you say, we need more information. I want to know about Lucifer's powers. How hell is set up." Jerry patted the seat next to him on the couch.

"The demons told you it's like intramural sports down there. With each of the gods and goddesses of the Underworld having their own turf. That Lucifer has his section and there's this competition going?" Rafe had pulled out a beer and took a swig. "They made it sound like it's all in fun, everything even Steven. But, trust me, Lucifer is actually the big boss. The head of the whole shooting match. His power is off the charts."

"Surely he has a vulnerability." Jerry's arm tightened around me.

Rafe shook his head. "Don't know of one. And of course cheating's expected, even applauded."

"I bet rules mean nothing in hell." I wondered how on earth you fought against an enemy like that. Especially one who thought anyone with honor was weak and stupid.

"They mean nothing in hell, but, when the demons are here on earth, they do have a few rules they have to abide by. The man upstairs takes exception to some of their dirty tricks. They aren't allowed to bug a good person indefinitely and I have a feeling they're about to wear out their welcome with you, Glory. God's bound to take notice and put the hammer down." Rafe met my gaze. "Not sure how much control He has over Lucifer, but what really blows my mind here, Glory, is that Lucifer's even bothered taking a personal interest in you." His mouth twisted in a bitter smile. "Sorry, sweet thing, but you're absolutely a tiny blip on his radar."

"Sure, I can see that. He'd usually be all about immoral dictators or instigating horrible things like genocide or a famine. Focusing on the big picture." I snuggled up to Jerry and wished for a blanket. I felt chilled as I thought of all the evil in the world. Jer read my thoughts and grabbed a throw from a basket next the couch and draped it over my lap.

"Seems like time might be on our side then," Jerry said.

Rafe set his bottle on my magazine. "From what Blade told me, Glory, you pretty well let Lucifer have it tonight. I doubt he'll bother you again."

"I can hope. Seems like his male ego wouldn't stand for him making another try. He did seem pretty disgusted with me." I held the throw around me. "But maybe his male ego doesn't let a rejection stand without payback either."

"Like I said, you're not that important. Let's just concentrate on getting this deal with Simon done." Rafe picked up his beer again. "Call him. See if he'll agree to meet."

"In a minute." I frowned at him. "Got to say, Rafael, you need a twelve-step program for anger management. Forget hitting the wall. The worst was using your demonic powers just because you had a disappointment. Look at the serious fallout it's caused." I shook my finger at him. "You really don't want this to happen again, do you?"

Jerry choked out a laugh. "You're right, Gloriana. Sign him up. I saw the list you left for me on the coffee table." He actually gave Rafe a sympathetic look, man to man. "Our girl is big on twelve-step programs. Next thing you know you'll be going to meetings in church basements."

"Don't mock. That kind of Copyright 2016 - 2024