Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,112

never see your reflection again."

"What do you want?" Flo glanced at Spyte. "Get away from my clothes."

"You have exquisite taste. Lucifer would love you." Spyte giggled as he threw her blouse up in the air, then ripped it apart with his claws. "I do so hope you do the right thing."

"I told you to leave my friends alone!" I started to jump up but, wouldn't you know, Cary waved his hand in my direction and I was stuck on the bench, solid as a rock. When I tried to scream, my mouth was sealed shut. Oh, man, did I hate this. Now I was going to have to just sit and pray that Flo had the will to resist what these demons had to offer.

"Ignore Glory, Florence." Cary pulled an envelope out of his pocket. "Now, here's all you have to do to keep that reflection you're so fond of." He pulled out a piece of expensive paper and the envelope disappeared while a red pen appeared in his other hand.

"What is it?" Flo glanced back behind her, to make sure her reflection was still gone. Her hands were trembling and not just because Spyte had moved on to her dresses and was humming "Come on, Baby, Light my Fire" as he pulled out a red number. He held it up, then shook his head. In seconds it was full of blackened holes and lying on the floor with wisps of smoke curling up from it.

"Just sign this little contract giving your soul to Lucifer and your reflection will be restored." Caryon smiled, showing all his fangs this time. "No biggie. You're immortal. What difference does it make where you go when you die? If you ever do. Hmmm?"

"I, I can't. My Ricardo. He would never forgive me." Flo cringed when Spyte pulled open a drawer and began ripping his way through silk panties. "Make him stop. Why is he doing that?"

"Spyte, bad boy. You're upsetting our Florence. And she's on the verge - "

"Out of my house!" The roar made the crystal chandelier in the center of the closet rattle. Richard held his Bible in front of him and wore a crucifix around his neck.

"Spoilsport." Cary whirled and let his true and hideous scaly snout show. "I'd refuse but I have other business else-where and this was getting boring. Come, Spyte."

"Aw, I was having fun." Spyte blinked. "Here's a parting gift, Florence, to keep us in your heart." He grinned, then disappeared along with Cary. Suddenly the air was filled with flying insects.

"Moths! Mio Dio! They will devour my silks, my wools! Ricardo, do something!" Flo collapsed in his arms, tears running down her face.

I leaned over, feeling sick, like maybe I could throw up. "Glory, are you okay?" Jerry sat beside me and put his arm around me.

"No, I did this. Got them interested in Flo."

"Yes, you did. You'd better leave." Richard still held Flo but he was staring at me. "Darling, calm down. I'll call an exterminator. Surely they can't do that much damage."

Flo jerked away from him, grabbed a leather bag and started swatting at the hundreds of moths. This just made them dive into her clothes to hide. "This is too cruel. I can't bear to watch." She threw herself on Richard again and buried her face in his shirt, sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean . . ." I wiped the tears off my cheeks.

"Glory!" Flo pulled away from Richard and held out her hands to me. "I don't blame you. I am weak. I never should have listened for even a minute."

"They're clever, Flo. And Richard is right, I got you noticed." I stood, my legs rubbery, and leaned against Jerry. "We're going. I'm sorry for this . . ." I waved my hand, batting at the moths that had ventured out again. I felt some on my hair and brushed them away.

"Not your fault, amiga." Flo frowned when he tried to stop her and finally stepped away from Richard to hug me. "I will call you tomorrow."

"I won't hold you to that. Just save your clothes. I'm so, so sorry." I noticed Richard didn't say anything. Jerry was quiet too as he led me out of the house and to his SUV. It wasn't until we were driving back down the hills and toward his house that he finally spoke.

"What did we walk in on?"

"The demons were trying to get Flo to sign away her soul." I took a shaky breath. "I swear, Copyright 2016 - 2024