Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 0,111

her the scissors. "This closet is the most amazing thing I've ever seen."

"Isn't it? You see why I love Ricardo so much? He understands me and indulges my passions." She winked at me. "All of them."

"You are very lucky." I unzipped her when she gestured for me to. "What now?"

"I've got to see myself in . . ." She began going through her racks. "Oh, which one first? My wedding dress. The most special night of my life." She blinked as tears filled her eyes. "No, what if I think I could have done better? This? I wore it to a coronation. No, no, I'd better hurry. What if they take this away?" She began flipping through dresses, becoming almost manic until she tried holding a few up in front of the mirror.

"This color! What was I thinking?" She crammed the dress into a small trash can but I rescued it. Definitely could sell it in the shop.

"I did the same thing, Flo. Gold. Not my color." I settled on a zebra-print velvet bench in the middle of the room. "Take a breath and try something on." I had to admit, seeing my tiny friend running around in a bra and bikini panties was depressing. She was so totally unaware of her body. And why not? From where I sat, it was perfect.

"You are right. Calm, must stay calm." She patted her cheeks and sat at the built-in vanity. "Makeup. I should never wear a coral blush again. Rose or pink, I think." She turned from the mirror to me. "This is a wonderful thing. This reflection."

My stomach sank. "No, Flo, it's an evil thing. From the Devil. Demons gave it to you and they can take it away." My throat started to close. "Uh, try on a dress." This came out as a croak.

"Yes. One I bought last week. Those clerks." Flo made a hand gesture as she jumped up and dug into her dress section one more time. "They will say anything to make a sale."

"Well, thanks a lot. I'm a clerk too, you know. I've been known to tell the truth and lose a sale." My voice was back. I guess as long as I didn't dis the demons, I was good to go. Flo stopped with the dress in her hand and gazed at herself in her underwear.

"Aye de mi. What is this?" She looked down and grabbed the skin at her waist. "I am fat!"

"Don't cry to me." I laughed. "Honey, if that little bit is fat, then I'm an elephant." I shook my head. "Just put on the dress. I'm sure Richard doesn't complain about your waistline."

"No, of course not. He's not stupid. But what does he know?" She stepped into the dress and backed up to me so I could zip her up. She turned and faced the mirror. "I knew it. I hate it. The print makes my butt look huge."

I'd glanced at the price tag still hanging from it. I didn't know what currency they'd been using, but it obviously wasn't cheap.

"First, your butt isn't huge and couldn't look that way if you tried. And, second, that blue is really your color. Third? No one is going to be focusing on your butt with the front dipping that low between your boobs."

"True. I do have good breasts." Flo turned this way and that. "I still can't believe I can see myself. This is amazing." She turned to me. "How about you, Glory? Don't you love it?"

"Not so much. Because I know with demons, there's always payback." I jumped when Caryon and Spyte suddenly appeared in front of me.

"So glad you brought that up, Glory." Cary waved his hand and Flo's reflection vanished. "Playtime is over, pay time is here."

"What? No!" Flo ran up to the mirror and patted it, finally pressing her nose against the glass. "What have you done?" She whirled and glared at the demons. "Get out of here. If my husband smells demons in this house, he will get out his holy water."

"She's right." I frowned at Spyte, who was picking through Flo's blouse collection and had settled on a bright yellow one with green trim. "And Richard's is the real deal. It really hurt Alesa. What would Lucifer say if you were sent back in a steaming pile and landed right in his lap?"

"Don't think you want Richard interfering, do you, Florence?" Cary strolled up to her and plucked at her dress with a black claw. "You'd Copyright 2016 - 2024