Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,20

me alone out there, are you?” I ask, licking my lips nervously.

“Not leaving you, baby. You need me near, I’m there for however long it is you need me for. But when you begin feeling comfortable again here at the clubhouse, I’ll know I can leave you safe here while handling shit that needs to be done.”

Giving him a nod in understanding, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

I can do this.

Ranger’s with me and he won’t let anything happen to me.

Not now.

Not ever.

Chapter Eleven


“Angel girl,” Lynch calls out, startling me by calling a name I haven’t heard him use in a very long time, not since before I’d been hurt by those girls. Ever since it’s always been Harlow. Now hearing him call me that nearly brings me to tears as Ranger carries me into the main room of the clubhouse.

I didn’t even know my brother was here.

“Lynch,” I murmur, glancing behind him I stop on not only Pitch Black but Fury and Ela.

“Hey, sweetheart,” Ela says stepping forward.

“Hey,” I whisper, scanning the rest of the room to see everyone in the room was looking at Ranger holding me. One-person in particular didn’t seem very happy as she’s glaring at me as if she could stab me in the eyes with her fingernails. Everyone else smiled or had a solemn look upon their faces. “Uh, hey everyone.” I wave nervously.

“Ranger, you better bring her ass over here and plant her in a chair so she can eat,” Victoria demands in the only way she knows how to be. Everyone used to think of Vi as this meek person. Completely untrue. She can be damn bossy as shit when she wants something done. Her and Chains both are bullheaded, but they’re family to me just the same.

“Baby, you want me to put you in a chair and leave you with everyone or you want me to stay with you?” Ranger asks, quiet so only I can hear him.

I shake my head in answer. “Please don’t leave me.” I want to tell him how his touch soothes a part of me that I don’t understand right now.

“You got it.” He nods and walks the short distance to a table, he then uses a foot to slide a chair out, sits and adjusts me on his lap so that I would be comfortable as well.

“Uh, Ranger, I said to put her ass in a chair so we could talk not you sit your ass down with her,” Victoria grumbles.

“Vi, baby, chill,” Tracker says warningly.

“Sweetheart, you do need to calm down,” Ela mumbles soothingly while coming to sit in a chair close by. Fury, Pitch Black, and Lynch all grab a chair and huddle in while Raven and Victoria take a seat across from me.

“Um, what’s going on?” I ask at the same time a bowl is placed in front of me.

Lifting my head, I find Tinsley standing there with a small grin on her face. “Eat chickadee,” she commands, using the tone only someone in the medical field would use in getting a patient to do as they’re asked.

“Thank you, Tinsley.” I give her a small smile and turn back to look at the bowl only to find everyone staring at me. “Why are you all staring at me?”

“We’re all staring at you because you don’t look anything like our Harlow anymore,” Raven says, leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table.

“Sweetheart, it’s because we were all scared we’d lost you.” And there is the truth, from my aunt.

“I’m merely staring at you ‘cause I’m furious with you,” Victoria huffs.

“Vi,” Tracker says firmly, and Victoria opens her mouth to say something, but he beats her to the punch. “Right now, isn’t the time. You don’t need to go shoot off at the mouth when you don’t know all the facts.”

Holy shit.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard Tracker speak to Victoria that way.

Needing to address this right now so it can be done with, I clear my throat. “I know you all were scared and worried about me; however, I didn’t let anyone in on this besides Trevor because Victoria has a little boy who needs his mom, Raven had her own family to take care of. I refused to put anyone in jeopardy.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lynch asks, interrupting me.

“I didn’t tell you because you wouldn’t have agreed with the plays I was making. Before that night some of you saw me in the club, I was making

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