Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,19

done,” I blurt out, letting the tension leave me though now it was Ranger’s turn to go taut.

“What?” he demands.

Lifting my head up, I tilt my head to meet his gaze. “I’m done. Retiring. The Harpy is no more. I can’t do it anymore. I could but I don’t want to. I’m tired of always being in the dark. For the last God knows how many months.”

“Six months,” he mutters, interrupting me.

Shit. I lost six months of my life being held captive.

Yeah, I’m done with this shit. I can’t do it anymore. I wouldn’t be able to take it again. I’m strong but even I know I have my limitations on what I can handle. I know if Ranger didn’t save me when he did, I’d have finally caved to Ezra.

“I lost six months being chained, beaten repeatedly and worse, I was left in the dark for days on end. Never knowing if it were day or night, until the days Ezra would make his goons bring me upstairs. So yeah, when I say I’m done, I mean done with it all, I don’t want to do it anymore. I can’t take the chance of that happening again.”

“It’s not gonna happen, baby. I refuse to let it fuckin’ happen again. The day you left the hospital and I read your note, a note I’ve carried with me in my wallet since, I knew I needed to find a way to help you escape that life. Now I’m making it happen so it doesn’t matter to me if you were done or not. I fuckin’ refuse to lose you ever again.”

“You really do love me.” The words spill from my lips before I can stop them.

“First time I saw you, baby, I knew you were it. It was just a matter of getting you to stick around long enough for me to make my approach. Shouldn’t have waited so long,” he murmurs, lifting a hand to caress my cheek, eyes steady letting me see the truth behind them.

“I’ve been in love with you to. My aunt Ela told me a long time ago ‘Emotions are strong even when you think they’re gone. You let them consume you and the one you’re meant to be with will have a fight on his hands fighting back the fury to get to the heart of you’. I didn’t understand it then but after spending a lot of time in my head over the past several months, I get it now.”

“Baby, your emotions were never shut down. You simply hid them from everyone. I saw them though. I saw the fire in the depths of your beautiful vibrant green eyes. I also saw the pain that you held close to you. It’s time you relinquish all of that to me, Harlow. Let me be the one who handles it all.”

Nodding, I give him a small smile.

“Fuckin’ gonna have to make you do that more often.”

“Do what?” I ask, frowning down at him.

“Smile, baby. First time I’ve ever seen you smile even the slightest,” Ranger says, hefting himself up to a sitting position. “Now I hate to be a downer right now but I need to get you something to eat. Victoria was making you some of her chicken soup.”

My stomach begins to growl at the mention of food.

“However, I’ll say this now. I don’t know what you’ve eaten or when you last ate. I want you to start with only the broth for right now. Last thing you need is to get sick.”

“I only had what they gave me when they felt the need to give me sustenance.” Lowering my gaze to stare at the sheets, I don’t want to see him giving me his pity at knowing this.

“Harlow, look at me,” he commands, and I do as he says.

Ranger lifts a hand, cups the side of my face, his thumb caresses my cheek. “I might not know what all you went through but I’ve got somewhat of an idea. You went through hell, baby. The marks on your body and the fact you can see your ribs are proof of that, so don’t ever fuckin’ be ashamed of taking what those fuckers dished out. You, Harlow, Harpy or not, survived getting through that hellfire by being who you are. Now we’re going to put some clothes on, I’m going to carry you out there, you’re gonna eat then after that I’ll bring you back in here to take a nap.”

“You’re not going to leave

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