Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,16

dick. I’d had to secure her tightly against me to keep her from being able to move.

It nearly killed each of my brothers along with the other men around to see her this way. When I’d gotten her to the SUVs I laid her on the back seat long enough to remove my cut and take my T-shirt off. Putting it over her head, I removed the sheet from her body and threw it on the ground not wanting anything from in that house touching Harlow any longer than needed.

Soon as we’d gotten to the clubhouse, Blaze and Tracker had to keep their women at bay while I’d carried Harlow to my room. The only ones allowed in being Ela and Tinsley.

I did this because one, Ela was like Harlow’s mother and two, Tinsley was a nurse. I needed both their help while I did more than what I’d done on the jet to tend to my woman’s wounds. Some of the lacerations looked to be infected. While in the air, I’d been able to start an IV to get some fluids in her.

Once the three of us got her cleaned up, wounds tended to and bandaged, the two women left the room, leaving me alone with Harlow.

When she started to stir in the middle of the night thrashing around, I’d given her more of the sedative wanting her to sleep until whatever they gave her was out of her system. Hopefully once she woke up, she’d be able to talk to me without freaking out. I made her a promise to keep her safe and that’s what I’m doing.

“Victoria, I get you wanna see her. Right now, isn’t a good time. Harlow’s sleeping and needs to rest. She doesn’t need to be disturbed right now in any way.”

“What she needs is her family around her,” Victoria snaps, interrupting me.

“Victoria, baby, let the man take care of his woman. I know you’re upset but you can’t be doing this shit,” Tracker mutters gravely. I’m pretty sure he’d yet to have any sleep since we’d been back and his ol’ lady being demanding right now isn’t helping him.

“No, Tracker, it’s not right. I should have been there for her. Don’t you get it. I can’t just sit on the sidelines. She was hurt because Raven and I didn’t have her back. That’s fucked up and I have to do something for her. I have to see her to help her get through this now,” Victoria says, her body shaking with anger on behalf of Harlow. Unlike Raven, Victoria I know feels shit far deeper when it comes to family, so much so when Tracker was shot, Raven made her shut down her emotions to be able to focus.

“Vi, I get it; however, you getting this upset right now isn’t helping anyone especially the baby.” My brother pulls his ol’ lady to him while running his hand through her hair. “We got her that’s all that matters right now. What you need to do to help Harlow is let Ranger take care of her. You need to take care of you, our son, and the kid growing inside you.”

Instead of answering him, Victoria merely nods into Tracker’s chest.

Hold up Victoria’s pregnant?


Last time she was pregnant she nearly lost her son thanks to some piece of shit who decided to make her jeep explode. If it wasn’t for her skills, she’d have died in the jeep rather than throwing herself from it and hitting the road right before the damn thing blew. Victoria ended up going into labor and Jamie ended up in NICU. After that, more shit happened where Jamie was taken by a woman who was working for her adoptive mother.

No wonder she’s freaking right now. The thought of something happening to someone else close to her while pregnant can’t be easy.

“Look if anything happens, I’ll let you know,” I mutter in an effort to help calm her down.

“Okay,” she murmurs in agreement. “Let me know if she needs anything.”

“What if you made her some of that chicken soup you make?” I suggest giving her a task.

Nodding, Victoria peeks up to me. “Yeah, I can do that. She loves Cajun chicken and rice soup. I’ll have to go to the store to get what I need for it.”

“Then let’s get you there,” Tracker states, pulling her away. “We’ll ask Momma B if she’ll watch Jamie a little longer.”

Stepping back, I close my door not hearing anymore of their conversation.

Glancing to my

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