Ranger's Fury - E.C. Land Page 0,15

through my veins. It’s then I realize I have an IV in my arm.

Slowly I drift off into the abyss without fighting whatever Ranger gave me.

“Angel, wake up, sweetheart,” I knew that voice. It was the voice I heard every night when he tucked me into bed at night. My daddy.

Opening my eyes, I find him staring down at me looking the way he always did with his shaggy hair. “Daddy,” I say his name in question more than anything.

“Yeah, my sweet angel. I need you to wake up sweetheart and start living. You have a man now who wants you for who you are. Let him in. Let him be the man you need in your life. Stop shutting everyone out.”

“I’m not shutting everyone out, Daddy. I just don’t want to be hurt anymore. Not by anyone ever again.”

“I know, Harlow, but you gotta understand in life things happen for a reason. Those reasons always come out good in the long run. It just may take some time to get there. However, angel, I can promise you this, it will be worth it in the end.”

“How do you know, Daddy? What if you’re wrong?” I ask lifting up to a sitting position.

Daddy grins at me as he reaches his hand to touch my cheek. “I know this ‘cause I’m always looking out for you and Lynch, sweetheart. A father’s job is never done and I’m fuckin’ proud of the both of you. I couldn’t ask for better men to raise you than your uncles. Fury did a good job with you and you going to Lark to learn to become who you were meant to be. Now that course has come to an end, it’s time to be someone new. Let the past go, sweetheart, allow your man to take the fury and wield it for you. He’s a good man and will do everything he can to make sure you live happy.”

Tears well in my eyes spilling over my cheeks as my daddy stands from his seat next to me. “Time for me to go, Harlow, but remember this. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and, sweetheart, you are the strongest woman there is but lean on Ranger. He’ll get you through the bad days.”

My eyes widen as he starts walking backwards to a light that hadn’t been there a moment ago.

“Wait, Daddy! Don’t leave. Please, don’t leave me. I need you,” I cry like I did the day I watched him be buried.

“Not going anywhere, Harlow. I’m always with you, sweetheart. Always. Remember you’re my sweet angel and I’ll look after you until the end of time. Now wake up and start living your life the way you need to. Live in the light with the man who loves you and leave the dark behind. Love you, sweetheart.”

“Love you too, Daddy,” I whisper softly, wiping the tears away as I close my eyes. My daddy’s words swirl around in my head as I lay back down.

Leave the dark behind and live happy in the light of day. But will I really be able to. Can Ranger handle taking on all that is me?

Live in the light with the man who loves you and leave the dark behind. My daddy’s words hit me again and again until they finally sink in.

Ranger is the man for me and I can finally be happy if I let the darkness go.

Chapter Nine


“Ranger, love you but I swear to God if you don’t back out of my way and let me in to see her, I’m going to hurt you,” Victoria warns, hands on her hips standing in the hallway of the clubhouse outside my room.

By the time the jet landed, I was ready to go back to Brazil, find Ezra and whoever that fuckin’ Dr. Bailor is and kill them both for doing this to my woman.

Besides the marks covering her body, the burn on her hip, she’d lost so much fuckin’ weight you could see her ribs showing. I knew she wouldn’t want anyone seeing her this way. Shit she’d nearly freaked the hell out having heard my brothers while we’d been in the air.

Sedating her was the only way I was able to get her through the rest of the trip. I knew almost immediately to have a sedative ready for when she woke up. The way she acted back at Ezra’s, panting, whimpering, and even in her passed out state trying to get her hands on my

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