Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,69

to adjust to the dazzling brightness, I groped across to the nightstand to retrieve the remote, and it occurred to me that I was all alone in the bed. Not a situation I was by any means happy with.

“Good morning.” Her voice was bright and breezy, indicating that she was a morning person. Ugh. I hated them, with their early starts and their chirpiness.

I pressed the button for the blinds and slumped back lazily onto the pillows, watching Noa as she padded across the room. She was wearing my shirt from the night before, and her hair was a mass of wild black curls. I guessed she normally straightened it for work. I swore to God I’d never seen a sexier sight.

“There’s nothing good about morning, especially not one that starts with blinding light and an empty bed. Come here. Where were you?”

“Just went to freshen up, before you could wake up and try to convince me not to.”

“That’s totally what I would have done.”

“I know, hence the preemptive strike.”

“Smart, hot, and great in bed. You have the trifecta. Come here.” I patted the mattress next to me. She shed the shirt, dropping it to the floor before climbing onto the spot I’d indicated.

“You know that fixing yourself up was a total waste of effort, right? I’m going to take great pleasure in messing you up all over again in a hot minute.

“Hmm... sounds nice.”

“It’s not going to be nice. Trust me. It may be Sunday, but I’m not the God-fearing church-going type. In fact, I’m fairly sure we’re about to invoke the Devil himself.”

“It’s Saturday.”

“That too. My point still stands. And that’s not the only thing standing.” I looked pointedly at my rock-hard cock, then took Noa’s hand and guided it to grip me tight. She followed my lead and began pumping back and forth, slowly.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Really? Right now, when you have your hand around my dick?”

She nodded.

“I guess you can ask, but there’s no guarantee I’ll answer.” She continued pumping me, squeezing a little harder than she had been before.

“Who’s Lily?”

What? “What the fuck.” It was the fastest I’d ever lost a boner.

“Lily. The tiny tattoo behind your ear. An ex-wife or ex-girlfriend? Or a current wife or girlfriend?”

“Don’t ever say her name again. Ever.”

“What? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to—”

I was off the bed and stalking toward my discarded clothes before she could finish her sentence. Didn’t mean to what? I wondered. Didn’t mean to poke her nose where it most definitely wasn’t wanted? Didn’t mean to bring up the one topic that was totally verboten to me, with all but my closest friends—i.e. the guys—and pretty much nobody else? Didn’t mean to hit me with the biggest buzzkill to end all buzzkills and make me wish I’d never met her, let alone started fucking her like the idiot the guys said I was? The idiot I knew I was.

I could feel her eyes boring into my back as I fished in my jacket pocket. When I found what I was looking for, I brought out the small bag, then strode toward the occasional table at the back of the room.

“Are you sure you don’t want some?” I shook it in her direction.

“No, thank you. Like I said, it’s not me. Are you sure you want to right now? It’s first thing in the morning. The sun is barely up.”

“Don’t you think I know that? You’re not my nanny, or my babysitter or anything to me, in fact. I don’t need you to tell me the time. That’s what the Richard Mille watch is for. And for that matter, I definitely don’t need you or anyone judging me for what I do and when.”

Ordinarily, if I was with a woman who didn’t indulge, I’d be more discreet and go into the bathroom, like I had the previous night at the bar, but under the circumstances I was past caring what she thought, or what she saw. I just wanted to shut her out—along with the thoughts bombarding my mind—as soon as possible.

I chopped out two fat lines and made light work of them, using the platinum ‘straw’ I kept in my inside jacket pocket. I knew I was overdoing it, and would likely regret it at some point, but at that moment, I had zero fucks to give.

When I straightened up, I saw that Noa had gotten out bed and was snatching at her clothes that were strewn around the room.

“I think it’s best

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