Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,68

sweat mingling together as we both struggled for breath. A few moments later, Noa’s arms and legs gave out and she collapsed down onto the mattress, taking me with her. We lay sprawled like that, sweaty and panting.

The only sounds were the push and pull of our breaths leaving and entering our bodies. My dick was still inside her, and still hard. Coke boners were something else.

After some time, I rolled off of her, afraid I’d squash and suffocate her, but as she got up to leave the mess of sweaty sheets, I grabbed her wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“Just to... straighten up this whole mess.” She motioned to her entire body, and grimaced, as though a little sweat and bed hair was the worst thing in the world.

“You’re not going anywhere. I want to admire the ‘freshly fucked by Raine’ look. Besides, I’m pretty sure I said something about your tits earlier, but then I flipped you and fucked you from behind. I’m not done here.” I gave her hand a swift tug, and she fell back onto the bed and into my waiting arms.

“Ugh. I’m all stinky and gross.”

“What’s gross? You smell of the great time we just had. Are still having, in fact. There’s nothing wrong with that. As though to prove my point, I buried my nose into her neck and sniffed in an exaggerated fashion. Then I licked her clavicle, loving the salty taste of her perspiration on my tongue.

“Really?” She wrinkled her nose in disgust. I found it funny how, given what we just did, she could be grossed out by something so innocuous.

“Yes, really. I did that, and I’d do it again. In fact...” I took an even bigger lick, loving watching her squirm, though her squeamishness did remind me of something. When she settled into my arms, I reached into the nightstand and retrieved a packet of wipes. Once I’d cleaned both hands, I relaxed again, pulling Noa back into the crook of my arm.

She was heavy-lidded, and as much as I wanted to go another round, I could tell she wasn’t going to make it. Instead, I settled for gently tracing patterns around her tits, paying particular attention to her nipples, which pebbled to my touch.

“Mmmm... that feels nice.” Her voice was fuzzy, and despite her nipples being hard, I was sure I’d lose her to sleep in ten... nine... eight.

Even after the exertion of our frenetic sex, there was no way I was going to follow suit. On a normal day, I wouldn’t have been in bed at that time, let alone asleep. Usually I wouldn’t have been able to just lie there in the bed and do nothing, especially not with my “date” still there, but this time I leaned down and brought my mouth gently to hers, gracing it with the lightest of kisses. “Goodnight Noa.” I spoke the words against her soft lips, which were parted gently in sleep.

After watching her feathery, deep mink-colored eye lashes flutter lightly with each breath she took, I studied the inky-black spirals of damp hair plastered to her forehead, then examined the tiny mole situated just to the left of her nose, and marveled at the faint dimple that graced her right cheek.

Then I turned my attention to the rest of her body. I reached out for her tits again, lightly squeezing each in turn. Noa stirred mildly, but didn’t show any signs of waking. I carried on admiring her fine form. Her firm, heavy tits were perfectly offset by her hourglass curves and shapely legs. My dick twitched at the thought of being buried between them, but even though the rest of me couldn’t sleep, either, it was going to need to take a chill pill, given that Noa was out cold.

I must have managed to fall asleep at some point, also, because some time later, my eyelids fluttered open and it was light outside. However, I had no idea if I’d been out for a minute or an hour. The last thing I could remember was watching Noa for hours as she slept, noticing a different little fascinating detail with each passing moment, each of which made her seem even more perfect to me. She was out of this world.

I’d forgotten to lower the electric blinds, which meant that, beautiful though the penthouse suite was, it was basically now a giant fishbowl with light streaming in from every angle. Not ideal for a night owl like me.

As my eyes struggled

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