Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,56

I’m so pissed at him for doing it, that I can’t even think clearly enough to formulate a plan. Plus, I honestly still don’t know what I want to do. Despite the circumstances, this is a great opportunity, it’s just...”

“Fucked up. Figuratively, and literally.”


“Speaking of which. Have you guys... again after the first time? I’ve hardly seen you this whole week. Were you ‘working late’ every night?”

“We were actually working, yes, preparing for this big meeting, but I’m not going to lie, there was also some ‘extracurricular’ activity as well.”

“You can’t stay working there. You need to walk away. This puts you in such a vulnerable position. What if you take the job, then he gets bored and wants you gone?” She had a good point. “Or worse still, what if you get jack of the whole thing, but he doesn’t want to let you leave? What if he threatens to ruin your reputation, or even worse, actually does ruin it, just to keep you there?”

“I mean he’s definitely not the nicest guy, but I don’t think he’d do something like that. Not because he’s too good, but because he wouldn’t give enough fucks, y’know?”

“Well, you haven’t even known him a week, so you’re hardly in a position to predict what he would and wouldn’t do, are you?” Clearly it was a rhetorical question as she didn’t give me time to answer. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about people, it’s that there are always new and different ways for them to screw us over. Ways we can’t think of, or anticipate before they happen. So, your best option is to assume the worst. And the worst is that this guy’s intentions are less than honorable, and that when it all goes to shit, which it inevitably will, you’ll be the one left picking up the tattered pieces, and he’ll be living his best life like nothing ever happened.”

“Well, thank you for the vote of confidence in my abilities.”

“This has nothing to do with your abilities—you’re shit hot, and you know it, and you also know that I know it—and everything to do with the kind of guy who fucks a temporary employee, then railroads her into working for him. These are the moves of someone who wouldn’t hesitate to screw someone else over to get what they want. How did he even get the signed paperwork?”

“It was in my desk drawer.”

“Right. So, on top of everything, he invaded your privacy and personal space, too? Surely you have your answer? You can’t stay at this job. It’s too risky. Whatever happened to taking it easy, dipping your toes in, and slipping back into the working thing with no fuss, and no drama? This feels like you jumped headfirst into shark-infested waters with open wounds. He’ll eat you alive.”

“I know, but now I’m here, I feel like it’s too much of an opportunity to walk away from. And we never know what’s around the corner, as you know.” There was a pregnant pause on the other end.

“I know, sweets. I also know I was the one encouraging you to get back to your life, telling you that you couldn’t be in limbo forever, and that you needed to do something for yourself. It was also me who said that you need to get back on the horse, and by horse, I mean the D, but again, this isn’t the flirty fun, no-strings-attached kind of deal I was talking about. In fact, like I said before, it’s quite the opposite. This whole situation feels dangerous and chaotic, as though it could blow up in your face like a cheap firework. And if it does, it will be me left picking up the pieces.”

“Now we get to the crux of the issue. You’re worried about yourself, not me. Well don’t be. I promise that no matter how it pans out, you’ll be the last one I come crying to if I need a shoulder.”

“You need to check yourself, Noa. I’ve always been there for you, always. These past few years it’s been a lot, yet you can stand there and accuse me of not wanting to support you. That’s fucking bullshit. Do you even know me? I’m going to ring off now before I say something I’ll regret. Do what you need to do. I’ll be there regardless, whether you appreciate me or not.”

“Michy, no, I—” It was too late. My pleas were met with the dial tone. Shit.

I shoved the phone back

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