Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,40

the ball of feeling at the base of my stomach was spiraling out of control with every second that passed, I was happy to play it any which way he wanted it.

It turned out that how he wanted to play was rough and fast, and so intense, I could barely cope. He drove into me hard, unblinking, unrelenting, and, I had the feeling, unseeing. We were both physically present, but though he never pulled his gaze away from mine, I sensed that he was looking more through me, than at me.

Each thrust brought him deeper inside me, but somehow further away. I’d never met anyone like Raine. Someone who took up so much space with their physical presence, who dominated every place they entered, even if they didn’t say a word, who was everywhere and nowhere all at once. I’d never been with a man who seemed to possess and reject me at the same time.

Physically he demanded and took all of me, but emotionally, he couldn’t have been further away if he’d boarded a plane and flown to the other side of the world. Not that I minded, or cared. In fact, in a way it was kind of perfect—I got the physical release, but didn’t have to deal with the emotions that sometimes went with it.

Chapter 16


* * *

“You motherfucker. Give me one good reason not to punch your fucking lights out right now.”

“Because we’re not teenage hotheads. We’re grown men who resolve our shit

with our words, not our damned fists.” Beck had quickly jumped between Nate and me, and Dillon was hovering, in case he needed to run interference too. “Bumble, I know he’s a fucking pain in the ass, but if this gets physical, you’ll regret it, and you know it.”

“That’s the thing—at this point, I don’t think I will. I’ve just about had it with him. And you want to talk about being adult about things? What kind of grown man can’t be trusted to keep it in his pants for long enough to complete one fucking five-day project? Jesus Christ. Why do we all have to act like professionals while he rampages around the place like an overgrown man-child with a permaboner, threatening to ruin what we’ve all worked so hard to build?”

“What’s he talking about?” Beck turned to me, his eyes hard, and jaw harder. Typical Beck.

“Why don’t you ask him, since he clearly has so much to say?” I jerked my chin in Nate’s direction.

Beck turned to him. “What are you talking about?”

“Open your eyes Beck. Didn’t you see the way the temp looked as we came in this morning?”

“I can’t say I noticed, so why don’t you tell me what you saw.”

“She looked like a dog who’d been caught shitting on the carpet. Or a temp who was full of regret for fucking her new boss. Then I walk in here and he’s got that post-coital glow, like the cat who got the cream. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s going on.”

“Good thing, as we only have you.”

“Stop being so juvenile, Raine. Is what Nate’s saying true? Is the cream in question, hers?"

“What’s it to any of you? Do you even care about what’s really important, which is that we fucking slayed the campaign? I mean, we nailed it to the wall so hard, we’re going to take out awards for this shit if my name’s Raine Alexander Davies. Do you want to talk about that, or would you rather waste time punishing me like an errant puppy?”

“What do you mean, what is it to us? It’s everything to us, you dumb shit. Let’s get something straight, for the one hundred millionth time. I couldn’t give two fucks where you stick your dick, or what you do with it at all, in fact, so long as it’s outside of office hours, outside office property, and outside office staff.

“How is this so fucking hard for you to understand? You have a high IQ, so why can’t you get it through your damned head that you can’t shit where you eat, then expect us to be A-Okay with it when you do. Need I remind you that dipping your pen in company ink is what got us here in the first place?”

“No need to remind me. It’s only been a hot minute since you last crowed about it.”

“You can’t blame us, Raine, this has cost us big time, and there’s a chance we might not come back from it.”

“We will. Has

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