Raine (Gods of the Fifth Floor #2) - M.V. Ellis Page 0,102

gatherings in the future, that was for sure.

But it did make it easy for the traitorous Nate to relay information to Zach without me knowing, if he chose to do so, which he obviously had on this occasion. I made a mental note to tear him a new one when he dared to show his face at my bedside.

Not that I should have been surprised. Nate was worse than an old fucking woman when it came to ‘helping,’ when he was concerned about something or someone. He just couldn’t seem to stop himself. Nosey asshole.

“Why the fuck does everyone”—I looked pointedly at Noa. I still hadn’t quite forgiven her for that stunt with telling the guys that I was sick—“keep meddling in my shit?” The hurt look on her face had me instantly regretting my harsh words. Even when I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, it seemed it was a tough habit to break.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that, it’s just that brother dearest here brings out the worst in me. Noa, this is Zach.”

“I figured. Pleased to meet you Zach, even under less than optimal, and also slightly embarrassing circumstances.” I found it cute that she was so mortified about a foiled hand-job between consenting adults. If she knew half the shit I’d done in public, either on purpose or by accident, and half the shit Zach had witnessed me do in the past, she’d probably die of shame on my behalf. “Raine has told me so much about you.”

“I dread to imagine. Pleased to meet you, also. Though, by the way, nobody has called me Zachary or Zach since...well, for a very long time. It’s Zed these days.” He brought the back of her outstretched hand to his lips, and kissed it gently, and I fought the almost-overwhelming urge to ram my hand down his throat and rip out his entrails.

“Zed, okay, got it. And it was all good, actually. Raine holds you in very high regard.” What the hell was she playing at?

“Respectfully, I’ve never seen any evidence of that.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to speak out of turn. Actually, I was about to say that I need a coffee, so I’ll leave you guys to catch up. I’ll also send a nurse or doctor in here to see you Raine. Great meeting you, Zed.” She looked at me briefly, smiling apologetically, and my heart lurched. Dear God, I was in trouble with this woman.

As she went to walk away, I gripped her hand tight. The hand that, moments earlier, had been squeezing my dick, about to get me off, and I wished to hell it still was. Though by that point, my boner was dead in the water. Nothing could kill a sexy vibe like my estranged sibling appearing out of nowhere, like the ghost of Christmas fucking past.

“Don’t you dare go anywhere. Whatever we have to say to each other can be said with you here.”

Chapter 39


* * *

“Really?” Zed and I spoke at the same time. To me this seemed like the definition of a private family moment, and not one I needed to witness, especially not with everything that had gone on between Raine and me prior to his collapse, and subsequent hospitalization. “Honestly, it’s fine I don’t mind. I can—”

“I said, don’t go anywhere!” Raine’s booming voice reverberated from the stark hospital walls and I jumped a mile into the air. Zed seemed to bristle and tense up, though he didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just really want you here. Fuck. I need you here. There I said it. Okay? Stay. Please.”

“Okay. Of course.” I lowered myself back into the chair I’d been sitting in next to Raine’s bed, not letting go of his hand.

“What do you want, ‘Zed’, apart from to dance on my grave, of course.”

“Jesus, Raine. Can you drop the sibling rivalry thing for one fucking minute? Please? I haven’t come here to dance on your grave, or watch karma play out, or anything else like that. I’ve come here because when Nate called me, I realized that I was in danger of losing another sibling, and in many ways already have. This animosity between us has gone on far too long.”

“So, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that I’m here, and I’m prepared to do what it takes to keep you in my life, including putting our differences aside and helping with anything that can be done medically. I can

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