Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,58

out. Then another vehicle took us to the airport. A chartered plane flew us to the island of Efate where we had to stay the night. Then we caught a flight in the morning to Aukland.

“Now what?” I asked once we were airborne.

“Two things. We need to figure out who was following you and… a trip around the world.”

My head throbbed. No, it was close to exploding. “How are we going to do that? I never saw who it was.”

“I called Drex and Huff is checking flight manifests to Vanuatu. There’s only one way there so it should be easy.”

“What if they took a boat?”

“He’s checking boat charters too.”

I rested my head on the seat. I had to get a new hairstyle or color. They were on to this one. Gemini agreed.

“We’ll do that in Auckland. As soon as possible. This time at a salon. We have to figure out a way to make you look less attractive.”

“Me? What about you? You’re the sexy one everyone checks out.”

“Fine. We’ll both figure it out.”

As I thought about it, an idea sprung up. “Wigs! We should buy several.”

“Great idea and large sunglasses. I think we should buy some wigs that older women would wear, like grandma wigs.” She giggled.

“I like that idea.” I sat there, envisioning us walking around with gray bouffant wigs on and I cracked up. Then I told her.

“We need grandma dresses and shoes too. And glasses.”

“Don’t you think that’s taking it a bit too far? Maybe we should just go with frumpy.”

Gemini was so excited about our disguises, she almost shouted.

“Hey, calm down. You don’t want everyone to hear.”

“Right. How’s this? No gray hair, but bouffant wigs and frumpy clothes and we get those suits to make us look chubby or pregnant.”

“I like the chubby and pregnant idea. That would totally throw them off.”

We’d chatted about our disguises the entire flight and landed. Once we checked in, we checked out wig stores and asked the concierge if he could send someone there to purchase some for us.

A woman knocked on our door, with two large bags that held six wigs. They were perfect. Before she left, we asked her if there was a costume store nearby. We sent her there next to buy our chubby and pregnant suits, along with some clothes to wear. The next day, we checked out of that hotel. One of us looked pregnant and the other appeared to be in her forties and had gained twenty pounds. We were on to our next hotel.

“I hope we can plant here for a few days,” I moaned, plopping my rubber butt on the bed.

“Yeah, because these suits are hot. I’m sweating like crazy in it. Are you?”

“Have you not noticed my upper lip?”

Gem checked it out and asked, “When was the last time you waxed your brows?”

“Oh, God. Ages. I probably look like a hairy monkey.”

“Not as bad as that.”

“Wait.” I went to check her out and belted out a laugh. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?”

She hopped up and waddled to the bathroom. “Ugh. This is awful. We’ve let ourselves go.”

I swatted her padded butt as I checked out my belly in the mirror next to her. “Who cares? No one’s here but us anyway.”

Then we both broke down and cried. “Look at us. We look like two awful hairy women, who can’t stop eating.”

She’d pretty much hit the nail on the head with that one. “At least we’re not eating dirt.” Then I wailed like it was the end of the world.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Pissed off. Enraged. Infuriated. Incensed were just a few words that came to mind when I thought of Scottie. And no one, no one would tell me anything. My brothers were patronizing me, claiming they didn’t know. I believed them, but they needed an attitude adjustment toward me. Or maybe it was my salty disposition.

However, one person did, and he wasn’t budging from his stance. He knew. I fucking knew he did. Drex. He said he didn’t, but I swore he did. I badgered the hell out of him daily, but he wouldn’t give in.

“Raiden, I can’t tell you what I don’t know. They’re gone. I know that.”

“Of all the people I know, you’re the last one I believe when you say that. There is no way in hell you’d let your wife walk away and not know where she’s going. Not a fucking chance.”

The muscle in his jaw twitched. He was pissed too. I didn’t care because he couldn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024