Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,57

those quick courses to get certified to scuba dive. It was fantastic and neither of us would stop talking about it.

We stayed there a week and then went on to Vanuatu. It was stunning. We stayed at an eco-lodge and had our own beachfront cabin. We went diving, snorkeling, ate fresh seafood every day, and relaxed. By this point I was getting antsy. I knew Gemini/Lindsey spoke to Drex every day, but I’d purposely not asked. Today was different. We came in from the beach and after we both showered sat on the porch, sipping a fruity beverage, I posed my question.

“I’ve stayed away from this subject, but I’m ready for you to bring me up to date.”

After a long sip from her drink, she said, “I wondered how long it would take for you to ask. O’Brien is making things difficult. He’s turned Drex in and they’ve had to move the two prisoners.”

“What? How? He’s a wanted man.”

“True, but he has plenty of accomplices working for him who were more than happy to oblige.”

“How did Drex handle that?”

Gemini pushed out a long sigh. “He moved them to another safe place and then told the law O’Brien had a fruitful imagination. Both houses were searched and when they came up with nothing, they believed Drex. That pissed O’Brien off even more, so he doubled the payout on your contract.”

“That’s good to know,” I said sourly. “What about Raiden?”

She flinched when I asked. That wasn’t good.

“He’s… not taking this well. He keeps threatening to knock Drex’s lights out. Acer and Cruze have their hands full but he’s turned into a bull in a china shop. Nothing is calming him down.”

“Maybe I should call him.”

“Emily… you can’t. Not safe for either of you.”

“Can Drex tell him, then?”

“What if O’Brien grabs him? Then what?”

“They’ll torture him.”

“Emily, you know they’ll kill him either way, but that doesn’t mean both of you should die.”

That was true enough, but the idea of Raiden at O’Brien’s hands was nauseating.

“Jesus, this is such a mess. I figured as soon as he heard about the daughter, or what have you, he’d come out of his hole. I never thought it would take this long.”

“He’s a crafty fox. It’s how he’s stayed alive this long.”

“Lindsey, can we at least get a computer?”

“Not a chance. Too risky. Listen, I want to go back too. But this is the best thing for us right now.”

I pushed to my feet and disappeared inside. When I came back out, she asked where I was going.

“Taking a run. I need to work out to get my head straight.”

“Okay, but be safe.”

I took off along the beach until I hit the road that led to the main area of the hotel. It wasn’t like most hotels as it was rustic and had a lobby where you only checked in. The rest of the hotel was scattered among the acreage it owned. There was a bar situated over the water, and a few restaurants that dotted the area. One was in a treehouse that was super cool and another on the beach. There were enough roads to get a nice workout on, and in the late afternoon, it began to cool down so the heat wasn’t brutal.

I ran along, enjoying the views of the lush foliage and colorful flowers, but soon felt a presence behind me. Looking back, I didn’t see anyone. Continuing along, I traveled the roads until I made a complete circle and was heading back. That feeling of being followed persisted. I picked up my pace to an all-out sprint so when I returned to our cabin I was whipped.

“Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“No, but someone else may be.”

Lindsey/Gemini flew to her feet and dragged me inside. “What the hell are you talking about?”

I explained between huffing and puffing, getting my breath back.

“You’re sure?”

“Never saw anyone, but I know that sensation and I’m usually right.”

“We’re getting out of here. It’s a good thing we didn’t dive today.”

Eyeing her with skepticism, I asked, “How do you possibly think we can get a flight out tonight?”

“Charter one.” She’d picked up the hotel phone and called the front office. Then asked how we could get a flight out. It took a few minutes, but her mouth curved into a smile.

“Our pick-up will be here in twenty. Get packed.”

I took the fastest shower in history, got dressed and threw all my stuff into my bags. A knock on the door came about then.

We loaded up and checked Copyright 2016 - 2024