Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,17

back to my room, grabbing my phone and punching in a series of numbers.

“Wolfe here.”

“Drex, it’s Raiden. We need to put bodyguards on everyone.”

“You’re several steps behind us. We have taken care of it, friend. I set them up right after they discovered the bombs.”

My heart took its time returning to normal, and I inhaled a cleansing breath. “Thank you. Being in the hospital clouded my brain.”

“Isla was right on it, along with Gem and myself. The three of us agreed if they hit the two of you, that wouldn’t be their only attempt.”

“The hospital?”

“There’s one there too.”

“Are you sure? I’ve been wearing my shoes out walking the halls and have seen no one.”

“I’m on my way.” The call abruptly ended, and in an instant, I was on alert again. I was the rabbit being hunted by the hawk, only my hawk was faceless.

Twenty minutes later, Drex stood in my room, along with two other men I didn’t know.

“Bad news. The guy I assigned here is nowhere around. We’re looking for him.”

A police officer strolled in and introduced himself to Drex. “I’m Officer Dent, and I’ll be assisting you in your search.”

Drex frowned. “Where’s Detective Rodriguez? He said he’d meet me here.”

“Yeah, he couldn’t make it.”

Drex had his phone out and was making a call while asking for Officer Dent’s ID. The two guys that had accompanied Drex appeared wary.

“Hey, Juan, where are you?”


“Who’s Dent?”

Dent made a run for it, but wasn’t fast enough to escape the beefy arms of Drex’s men. They grabbed him and forced him to sit in the chair.

Drex walked forward until his feet were close to touching the man’s. “Who are you? And I want the truth this time.”

The guy shook his head. “You’ll have to kill me.”

“That can be arranged.” Drex grabbed his collar and tightened his grip until he was on his feet. “I asked you a question. Who are you?”

The man only sputtered. Drex dropped him and he fell back into the seat. “Looks like you’re headed to jail then.”

A few minutes later, Detective Rodriguez entered along with another man. He introduced him as Detective Gentry. Drex brought them up to speed on things.

Rodriguez went up to the impersonator and asked, “You don’t want to answer our questions? How about a trip downtown then?”

The man only shrugged.

“Hey, do you suspect he had anything to do with the bombs?” I asked.

“That wasn’t me,” the man said.

“Then who was it?” Rodriguez asked.

“No way. I’m as good as dead if I talk and I’m not a rat.”

Rodriguez looked at Gentry and said, “Cuff him.” Then he read him his rights. “It’s obvious you were an accessory to the crime, which falls under terrorism and is a federal offense. Good luck to you.” Gentry walked him out. Rodriguez continued, “We’ll interrogate him, though he’ll lawyer up before the feds get to him. And we’re searching for your man. I’m not too optimistic though. If those guys deployed two bombs, a murder falls low on their ladder.”

“Fuck. Let me know what you find.” Drex shook hands with Rodriguez as he was leaving.

Then he leveled his gaze at me. “I’m putting one man in your room and one in the hall. No more walking around. Clear?”

“Yeah, I got you. And everyone else has protection, right?”

“Got it all covered.”

“Why didn’t Cruze say something when he stopped by this morning?”

“I can’t answer that. At the very least, he should’ve noticed there wasn’t anyone outside your door.”

Then I thought of something. “Maybe there was then.”

Drex nodded. “I’ll ask him. Anyway, you’re looking well. I hope you get out soon.”

“Another day or two at the most. At least that’s what the doc said yesterday.”

“Hey, do you have any firearms experience?”

“Not much. I’ve fired a gun here and there.”

“I’m enrolling you and Cruze in a class then.”

“Drex, aren’t you forgetting something?” I held up my bandaged hand.

“Shit. Scrap that, but once you have full motion again, that’s a high priority. You good with that?”

“Sure and let’s hope it’ll be sooner rather than later.”

“Okay, I have to get back to the office.”

“Hey, thanks, man.”

He dipped his head. “It’s what I’m here for.”

One of the burly men followed him out, leaving me with the other.

“So, what’s your name?”

“I’m Adam, sir.”

“Adam, do you play cards or anything like that?”

“Not while I’m on duty, sir. My job is to protect without distractions.”

“I see. Can you talk?”

He attempted to suppress a grin but failed. “Yes, sir. I can talk.”

“Good, then take a seat.”

We talked, but he trained his Copyright 2016 - 2024