Raiden (The Kent Brothers #2) - A.M. Hargrove Page 0,16

of mob activity, but we now had to attach that to drug sales and distribution.

The best method for this was to follow the money. We screened all the wealthy Russians in the metro Chicago area and then hacked their accounts to see what their bank deposits showed. We went back two years for consistency. It was a painstaking approach, but the best way to uncover anything.

Late in the afternoon, I called a conference. When everyone was in, I began, “I’ve come up with the big four in Chicago. These families have operated for years and they have strength. Then there are three newcomers. I can’t decide if Aiden would knock all three newbies out and go for their business, or take out one of the older family heads. Thoughts everyone?”

Gemini jumped in saying, “The three new. Maybe by combining all that business he’d be able to crack into some other families then.”

Nodding, I said, “At first, that’s what I thought. But then I thought about how large Aiden’s ego is. Wouldn’t he want clout? He’d get more if he took down one of the older family heads.”

Drex thrummed his fingers on the table. “I agree. However, if he starts small, he won’t get noticed at first and the big four will let him be. When they’re comfortable with his presence could be when he strikes.”

“Yes. That makes sense too. And mind you, I don’t know what I’ll find on the east coast. If he’s already working there, he may set up a pattern.”

Isla shook her head. “No. He won’t do that because he’ll want to keep everyone guessing. So if he takes out a family head, he won’t do it again somewhere else.”

“Excellent point. So with this information, any suggestions? Should I continue in this vein, or change what I’m looking for?”

Drex was the first to respond. “Keep doing what you’re doing. I like how you’re identifying potential targets. If we can locate people and search for patterns, we might find out what his involvement is.”

Everyone else agreed, so that’s what I did. I worked until close to nine, keeping my focus on Chicago. I gathered as much research as possible before I left, so today when I came in, I could jump in and continue with New York. My hunch was it would be the most active of the searched cities. I’d be careful of who I focused on and whether a pattern started emerging.

Close to lunch, my phone vibrated, and I saw that Raiden had texted me. I hoped his attitude was better than last night. Before I’d received his text, I’d toyed with the idea of telling him to grow up and shove it. He’d surprised me with his sour attitude.

When I checked out the text, I died laughing.

I had to ask my brother what the eggplant meant.

The hot dog and taco emojis accompanied his message. Oh, he was catching on.

I sent him back the hard core laughing one. That was hilarious. He didn’t know about the eggplant. I couldn’t wait to cook eggplant parmigiana for him. He’d get a kick out of that. In the meantime, I sent him back a tongue, banana, and exploding head.

My phone rang.

“Hey. It seems you’re in a much better mood.”

“Yeah, even if I am horny, thank you.”

Chortling, I said, “I’m still laughing about you not knowing about the eggplant.”

“Oh, yeah. I figured you wanted to cook for me.”

“There is that.”

“Now that you’ve gotten me all fired up and no way to relieve myself, do you have any suggestions?”

“Oh, God, I forgot about your bandage.” I had this image of him trying to jerk off with a mitten-like hand. I snort-laughed.

“And it’s not funny.”

“I have an idea. I’ll come straight to the hospital tonight instead of going home.”

“Do me a favor, will you?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Work straight through lunch.”

I was still laughing when I ended the call.

Chapter Eight


Cruze had stopped by earlier and brought more clothes. As I hung around the hospital all day, my brain spun with ideas. One could only pace the halls so many times before the nurses noticed.

“Mr. Kent, would you like something to calm you down?”

Why were drugs always the answer? “No, I’d rather walk, thank you.”

It was a good thing I had my running shoes and workout clothes to wear, instead of that dreadful hospital gown. A grin curved my mouth when I thought how handy it had been while Scottie was still here as a patient.

All of a sudden panic hit, and I ran Copyright 2016 - 2024