Queen of the Fae (Dragon's Gift The Dark Fae #3) - Linsey Hall Page 0,35

his head. His fists clenched at his sides, and his throat worked.

He was fighting it.

Probably because it was a bad idea to get too far into this.

But he really didn’t want to resist.

I didn’t bother saying any more. My invitation was clear. I wasn’t going to beg for it.

He groaned. Within seconds, he’d unclenched his hands. Quick as a flash, he was undressed.

My eyes widened as I took him in. This was the first time I’d had a chance to really look at his body unclothed. Broad swaths of muscles and long limbs. I couldn’t get enough of him.

He climbed into the water, moving with the deadly grace of a panther. I started to drift toward him, but I barely had a chance to move. He was on me in an instant, strong hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me toward him as he bent over me, bringing his face closer to mine.

“You’re impossible to resist,” he murmured against my throat, his breath warm and his lips soft.

I pressed my body full length against his harder one, plunging my hands into his hair as he licked along the column of my neck.

A shiver raced down my spine, and I tilted my head to the side to give him better access. His fangs dragged along my skin, a perfect pleasure pain that made me see stars. When his lips met mine, I gasped.

He kissed me with a hunger that felt like it could never be satiated. His tongue was a miracle, so talented that my breath came short and my skin heated to burning. Tension tightened within me, desire making me shake.

I ran my hands over his strong shoulders, unable to get enough of him. It was all I could do not to wrap my legs around his waist and take this all the way, hard and fast.

He carried me through the water and pressed me back against the stone wall of the pool. His hands and lips were everywhere, making my mind go blank. It pulled me under, until all I knew was him.


I rose before dawn, tension making it impossible to sleep any longer. There was no light coming from the door that led to the outside, and the rain seemed to have lessened.

I turned toward Tarron, who slept on the other side of the huge cushion that had been laid out over a stone platform.

We hadn’t gotten enough sleep last night. And we’d barely spoken.

I didn’t regret a single moment of it.

Sex with Tarron had been pretty much the best thing ever, and I wouldn’t regret it. Even when things got difficult.

I poked him. “Wake up.”

He blinked, coming awake immediately. His eyes heated as they met mine.

“Dawn isn’t far off,” I said regretfully. “We need to go.”

His eyes cleared, as if he remembered why we were there and everything that stood between us. I still hadn’t told him about our future. Guilt tugged harder than ever at me. I would tell him. As soon as we spoke to the goddesses, I would tell him. The guilt burned so strongly that if I had time now, I would.

I swallowed hard and shoved it away, then climbed from the pallet and began to dress. Tarron did the same, moving quickly.

Once we were ready to go, we headed toward the path that he’d found last night. Neither of us spoke. The field of flame would stop burning soon, and we’d need to reach the goddesses.

“Let me.” Tarron stepped in front of me, going first into the darkened tunnel.

Unlike the beautifully carved chamber in which we’d spent the night, the tunnel was roughly gouged out of the rock. It was only a few inches higher than Tarron’s head, and wide enough that three people could walk side by side. It made it a bit tight to stick right at Tarron's side, but I was stubborn and didn't like the idea of him going ahead of me and facing the danger alone.

No doubt he’d have scoffed at that, so I kept it to myself.

The tunnel was quiet and dark—eerily so. The air became staler the deeper we got, and Tarron ignited a flame in his palm to provide light. As we walked, I began to feel eyes on me. The prickle of attention was impossible to mistake.

“Do you feel that?” I whispered.

Tarron nodded. “Someone is watching.”

I turned around, searching the space behind me. A pair of bright white eyes blinked out of existence, disappearing. Definitely a creature, not a person, from the

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