Queen of the Fae (Dragon's Gift The Dark Fae #3) - Linsey Hall Page 0,34

whipping at my back. Magic pulsed from the darkened entrance, a barrier that I would need to beg my way past.

Quickly, I sliced my finger with my thumbnail and let a droplet of blood fall to the stone floor below. “Please permit me entrance and protect me from the storm.”

The repelling magic flickered and faded, and I stepped forward as Tarron landed behind me. He repeated the ritual and followed me into the darkened cave.

Slowly, I walked through the entryway, arriving in an enormous rectangular room that had been carved out of the rock. There were no windows, of course, but the air wasn’t as stale as I would have expected.

“We need light.” Tarron called upon a ball of flame, then sent it toward the left wall. It found a wall sconce and zipped inside, lighting the lamp, which shed a golden glow. Tarron created more fireballs, lighting every torch along every wall.

Soon, the entire space glowed golden. Stone furniture had been carved into the space, with plush cushions adorning each bench. I pointed to them. “Courtesy of the Vestals, I imagine.”

“That too.” Tarron gestured to a wide blue pool right in the middle of the space. It gleamed with a light from within, enchanting.

I strode toward it, bending down to dip my fingers in. “Not a truth pool.”

No way I was getting in one of those again.

Tarron joined me, testing the waters with his hand. “Just a bath.”

“Thank fates, because I could use one.” I caught the sound of rain from outside, and returned to the entry. The sky had blackened fully, and rain poured from the sky. I stood halfway up an enormous cliff face, a thousand feet in the air. It was an amazing place to take in the view of striking lightning and torrential rain. Magic seemed to keep it from coming inside, because every inch of rock at my feet was perfectly dry.

Tarron joined me, and I shivered at the feel of heat radiating from his shoulder. Memories of the kiss in the pool flashed through me, and tension tightened my muscles.

“You’re welcome to bathe first,” he said. “I’ll look for the tunnel exit that will lead us deeper into the plateau.”

I nodded. “Thanks.”

While Tarron set off to find our path for tomorrow morning, I returned to the pool. He’d conjured two towels and left them there, along with a change of clothes that looked exactly like mine. I touched them, a smile stretching across my face.

It was the little things.

Quickly, I shed my clothes and climbed in, luxuriating in the perfect temperature of the water. The room itself was a bit warm, and the cool blue liquid felt like heaven against my skin.

I leaned back against the edge of the pool, closing my eyes. I couldn’t help but remember the pool of truth back at the Vestals’ temple. It had made Tarron and me act on our deepest desires.

And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel them now.

I did.

I always did.

Not just desire for his physical form—who wouldn’t want that? He was perfect. Unbearably beautiful and shaped like a god.

No. It was him I wanted.

Brave and loyal and strong and good.

I opened my eyes, spotting him walking back along the edge of the chamber. He stayed far from the pool, as if he didn’t want to interrupt my privacy.

Did I really need privacy?

Maybe it was memories of the pool of truth, or the fact that I was stressed out of my mind over what was to come with the Unseelie queen, or the fact that I’d wanted him from the moment I saw him--but I wanted him more than I wanted privacy right now.

More than I wanted just about anything, in fact.

“Tarron,” I called.

“Hmm?” His low voice carried across the quiet, golden-lit room.

“Could you come here, please?”

I could see him hesitate. Just briefly. His foot moved forward, then stopped.

I held my breath.

He stepped forward again, striding toward me powerfully. He stopped at the edge of the pool, looming over me, his eyes glued to my own. The water couldn’t possibly conceal my breasts, but he was doing his damned best impression of a gentleman.

“Yes?” His voice rumbled, sounding almost rough.

“Would you join me?”

“Join you?” His eyes darkened, going black almost immediately.

I rose from the water, feeling it sluice down my body. “Yes. Join me.”

A low groan, almost inaudible, escaped him. But there was no missing the white fangs that flashed in his mouth, or the horns that appeared at the sides of

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