The Promise of Us (Sanctuary Sound #2) - Jamie Beck Page 0,59

out of her comfort zone.

He dialed her number. When she answered, she sounded surprised. “Logan?”

“That’s me.”

“I know. What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just calling to say good night and ask a favor.”

“Another favor?”

He rested one hand on the window frame overhead while watching a gull fly by. “Do you trust me?”

“I don’t think so.” She snickered.

“I’m serious. Do you trust me?”

She paused, which bummed him out. “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

“If I asked you to go someplace with me, would you come without asking questions? Would you trust me that I would keep you safe and you’d enjoy the excursion?”

Another prolonged silence followed. He might have to tell her the truth about Ryan’s request if he couldn’t coax her into an adventure.

“I guess so.”

The shock of it made him break into a smile. “Awesome. I’ll pick you up Saturday at noon. Dress comfortably.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“You said you’d trust me. Go with the surprise. I promise you won’t be sorry.”

“Logan . . .”

“Hmm?” He settled his hand against the cold glass and removed it, watching his palm print slowly fade. Here and then gone, like much in life. But if he blew warm air on it, the prints would reappear . . . like a memory.

“If I want to turn around, promise we will.”

He closed his eyes. “I promise.”

Chapter Eleven

Claire readjusted the lavender-scented eye mask Logan had handed her when she’d gotten into his car an hour ago.

“Keep it on!” He squeezed her hand, which he’d been holding for at least ten minutes, ever since she’d started twisting her fingers together and muttering about how fast she guessed he was driving.

“How much longer?” She continued bouncing her right knee.

“Mmm, less than twenty minutes.”

Twenty minutes that could feel like another hour. She tugged at the bottom of the mask. “I’m so disoriented. I don’t think I like this.”

Logan might be as fluid as water, but clearly she was as immutable as an iceberg.

“Compared with our trip to the city, you haven’t clutched your stomach or clenched your jaw. Blocking your vision also let you focus on the guided meditation CD, didn’t it?”

She’d take him to task for his self-congratulatory tone, but, truthfully, his tactics had kept her from overthinking, until now. “Can you at least tell me where we’re headed?”

“And spoil the surprise?”

It would disappoint him, but she’d reached the limit of her ability to surrender all control. “Well . . . yes.”

“But I want to see your reaction when we get there.” His displeasure rang out. “Just a little longer . . .”

She sighed. “I feel stupid. Imagine what other people who see me are thinking.”

“That you’re being kidnapped by someone with great taste in blindfolds?”

She’d laugh if the reason she was wearing the blindfold weren’t so pathetic.

“Claire, who cares what other people think? We’re having our own adventure.” He must have glanced over and seen her wrinkle her nose. “How about this? If you can guess where we’re headed, you can take off the mask.”

“Ooh, a game. I like that.” A lifetime of puzzle games with her parents had honed her skills. “Twenty questions?”

“That’s too many. Five yes-no questions.”

She scrunched her face and thought. “Did we head west?”




South would’ve taken them straight into the Sound, so they must’ve gone east. She wouldn’t waste a question to confirm that. East of Sanctuary Sound for ninety minutes might take them into Rhode Island, or possibly the northeastern corner of Connecticut. “Rhode Island?”

“Yes.” His tone had shifted from pleased to petulant.

She had two questions remaining. Rhode Island had pretty beaches and Block Island, but late March wasn’t the best month to visit either of those options. Block Island was definitely out because they hadn’t gotten on a ferry. What would Logan find interesting about Rhode Island? “Are we going to the RISD Museum?”

“No. This trip isn’t about me. I planned it with you in mind.” He squeezed her hand to emphasize his point. “Shoot, that was more than a yes-no answer.”

“Thank you, though, for planning something just for me.” She shouldn’t hold hands for so long when she’d already told him that she didn’t see any point in them being more than friends. Still, she didn’t let go.

Back to the puzzle. What tourist attractions in Rhode Island appealed to her? She thought for a moment before it hit her. “The mansions?”

“Okay, smarty-pants.” He withdrew his hand, so she lost even though she’d won the game. “Take off the mask.”

“I’m sorry, Logan.” As soon as she removed the mask, she gasped, regretting her decision. Copyright 2016 - 2024