The Promise of Us (Sanctuary Sound #2) - Jamie Beck Page 0,58

went as wide as he’d ever seen them. “You did not!”

“I did.”

Her eyes narrowed as she shoved her index finger at his chest, poking him as she spoke. “Do not toy with her, Logan. You know she always had a thing for you. If you use her feelings in some mission on my behalf, I’ll never forgive you.”

He batted her hand away. “Jesus, Peyton. Why’s it impossible to believe I might have my own interests at heart? I like Claire.”

“You like her,” she said flatly.

“I like her. I’m finding myself . . . intrigued.”

“By Claire.” Her disbelieving expression said whatever she left unsaid.

“Yes. Claire. Petite. Freckles. Blushes easily. You know her?”

“Stop. Claire is not your type.”

He gave a nonchalant shrug. “In case you hadn’t noticed, my type hasn’t been very worthwhile. Maybe it’s time for a change.”

“I won’t argue that, but don’t experiment with Claire, Logan. I mean it. She doesn’t need her heart broken by you.”

“Why is everyone so sure she’d end up hurt? When did I become the bad guy?” He raised his arms out from his sides.

“Who’s everyone?” Her brows furrowed. “Other people know about this?”

“Claire. Claire knows. I kissed her today, but she shot me down because she doesn’t trust me.”

“I . . .” Peyton’s jaw dropped so fast he couldn’t believe it didn’t bounce off the floor. “I think you just handed me a reason to reach out to Claire.”

“To help me?” He smiled.

“To warn her off.”

“Hey! That’s just mean.”

“Be serious,” she scoffed. “You’re the world’s best brother. These past six months you’ve gone above and beyond. But you’re not someone who can make Sanctuary Sound his happy home.”

“Neither is Claire. Not the real Claire . . . the one from before the shooting. That Claire’s adventuresome. Brave. I just need to remind her of the life she loved from before.”

“No.” Peyton’s brows drew close together. “You have to accept her as she is, not try to change her.”

“I see who Claire really is. It’s all of you who’ve let her pigeonhole herself. I should’ve intervened years ago. But now I’m here, and I’m up to the task.”

“Why? What do you suddenly see that you missed all these years?”

Everything he’d never had in his life but hadn’t known was missing? “I can’t put my finger on one thing. It’s a feeling of arriving someplace new yet comforting . . . like home, or what most people feel about their home.”

“Oh, Logan. That’s such a cliché.”

Maybe so, but there was a reason clichés existed. He lifted his tux off the knob, refusing to be lectured about dating by his sister. “I’m going to hang this up in my room. When I get back, you let me know if we’re shopping for dresses or working on the project.”

While he was in his room, Ryan called.

“Hey, buddy. What’s up?”

“I need a favor,” he replied with a hushed voice.

“Okay. Shoot.”

“I’ve been planning to propose to Steffi this weekend, but she didn’t know that and invited her brother and Claire to go out with us on Saturday. I don’t want to tell her and ruin the surprise. So Ben volunteered to come up with a last-minute excuse, but that leaves Claire. I’d call her, but I’m not sure I trust her not to accidentally tip Steffi off. Could you invite her to do something under the guise of the work she’s doing for you? That way, Steffi wouldn’t worry about her and I’d get my girl to myself for the night.”

“Congrats, pal. That’s a big step.” Logan had yet to see a marriage he truly admired or envied, but maybe Ryan’s second would be the first. “I’ll be glad to run interference. Consider it done.”

“Great, thanks. I owe you.”

“No problem. Good luck!” Logan hung up and crossed to his window, which looked out over the Sound. The day’s cold rain had washed away most of the snow, leaving a windswept tableau of grays, blues, and browns in every direction.

He’d been lucky to grow up in such a beautiful location with all the advantages he’d had. None of them, however, were helping him much where Claire was concerned.

For a few minutes, he considered how to get her to cancel her plans without raising her suspicions. He wanted to take her on another adventure before cold feet and her mom froze her here in town again. He needed an idea that would appeal to her passion for design and beauty. Near enough for her to manage, but far enough to get her Copyright 2016 - 2024