The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,89

Gwen always seemed way out of my league. Still does, to be honest.

I’m a lucky son of a bitch.

“This is so sweet, Cole,” Nina gushes.

“It’s going to be hard to top though,” my mom adds with a snicker.

“Yeah, I know. Thanks for reminding me,” I grumble, even though there’s a smile behind it.

Gwen returns a second later, panting as she opens her next clue. “Cooking for you can’t be beat. I love to feed you tasty sweets. Don’t drag your feet. You’ll find the next clue where I once made you my very own yummy treat.”

The living room erupts with giggles as Gwen’s face turns bright red, her eyes wide as they land on me.

I shrug, nervous laughter bubbling out of me.

She scurries out of the room again and my eyes slide over to Mark, who’s glaring at me with disapproval.


If he doesn’t like that one, he probably won’t like the next one either.

Thatcher sniggers next to me. “Did you seriously just inform all her friends and family that you two screwed in her parents’ kitchen?”

“It’s possible I didn’t think these all the way through,” I admit.

Gwen’s cheeks are still pink when she walks back in, hesitating as she opens the next clue.

She’s definitely going to kill me.

“Our relationship hasn’t always been this sturdy. Both of us played some tricks that were dirty. Here’s the rub. You’ll find your last clue where I gave you a good scrub-a-dub-dub.”

Gwen’s eyebrows shoot up, and the room fills with more laughter. Except for Mark, who groans. I give her an apologetic grimace, but there’s a smile hiding in the corner of her mouth as she turns to head up to her bedroom.

We all follow her out of the room this time, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. Gwen gasps with surprise when she sees everyone standing in the foyer and descends the steps slowly, cautiously.

She opens the last envelope with trembling hands, her voice wavering as she reads, “Walking down memory lane has been fun, but there’s a reason I brought you back to where it all begun. You’ve been my princess since I first saw you standing here, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t ask you this…”

Gwen’s questioning gaze lifts to me, and Thatcher places the velvet box in my clammy hand before I get down on one knee.

She gasps and takes a step closer, her hands covering her mouth. Her eyes flare as I flip the box open, revealing the one-and-a-half carat princess-cut engagement ring. The center diamond is wrapped in a halo of diamonds, with more down each side of the band. This sucker took me a year to save up for, but it was worth it.

“Gwendolyn Grace Rhodes, will you marry me?”

“Yes.” Tears of joy spring from her eyes and she nods, echoing cheers surrounding us as she offers me her hand.

The ring slips on her finger with ease, and I stand to kiss my fiancée. We keep it short and sweet, not wanting to give our cooing audience a show.

“Did you really just agree to be my wife?” I ask, my pulse still racing. “Like, you’re really going to be mine forever? I get to grow old and gray with you?”

She giggles, rolling her eyes. “Silly man, did you honestly think there was a chance I’d say no? For keeps, remember?”

Want more from the Westbrook Three? Click here to download an exclusive bonus epilogue!


Leila: You’re amazing. Thank you for always cheering me on. For checking on me every day and listening to my whining.

Crystal: You’ve been instrumental to me with this series. It wouldn’t be what it is without you. Thank you for both pushing and encouraging me.

Kirsten: You were one of the first people who offered to help me with the publishing process, and you’ve never once asked for anything in return. You’re kind of incredible. Thank you!

My readers: I’ll be celebrating my fourth publishing anniversary soon, and that wouldn’t be possible without you. Whether you’ve been with me since the beginning or you’re a new reader, I appreciate all the love and support you’ve shown me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

About the Author

Amber McCammon lives in Tennessee, where she was born and raised—which means she often gets caught with the south in her mouth. She loves to travel, though, and dreams of being a nomad one day. In 2017, she decided to take her passion for writing to the self-publishing world. Since then, she’s put out numerous books with many more to come. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find her reading, spending money she doesn’t have in Target, or hanging with her hubby and two kiddos.

Visit her website to find out more:

Join her Facebook reader group: AD’s McReaders

To contact Amber, please email her at [email protected]

Also by A.D. McCammon

Westbrook Three Series

When the Saint Falls:

Book 1 – Thatcher’s Story

Download it here:

The Bad Girl:

Book 2 – Arwen’s Story

Download it here:

In This Moment Series

In The Moment:

Book 1


Book 2

In The Gray:

Book 3

Selfish For Love:

Book 4 Copyright 2016 - 2024