The Princess and The Jester - A.D. McCammon Page 0,88

is sure to kill me.

Thatcher steps up next to me and grabs my shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Breathe, man. You look like you’re about to pass out.”

Gwen got a little suspicious after I told her my mom and Patrick were going to be joining us for dinner at her parents’. When Thatcher and Violet arrived, it became pretty obvious I had something up my sleeve.

I chuckle, flipping him off. “That’s how I fucking feel, too.”

As stupid and sentimental as it sounds, I wanted everyone I care about here for tonight. It feels more like added pressure now, though. For her and for me. We’ve got an entire audience here.

“You’ve got nothing to worry about. Gwen loves you. She’s going to be thrilled,” Thatcher says.

My eyes wander across the living room, where Gwen and Aidan are talking. She’s all decked out in a pretty green dress, her lips painted red. Looking absolutely stunning as always.

Sensing my stare, she looks up and gives me a coy smile. “I love you,” she mouths, and I release my coiled breath.

Thatcher is right. I’m being ridiculous.

Everything has been beyond perfect with Gwen. We finished our senior year of high school with no more issues from Shane. From what I hear, he’s working on becoming a criminal lawyer and plans to work at his father’s firm.

The summer after graduation, we moved into a place together in the city. Her parents bought her a condo downtown, but I insist on paying them rent. Much lower than it would actually be, I’m sure. And they’re probably putting it all away to give back to us someday. Still, it makes me feel better about living there.

Our lives are pretty busy, between me running the kitchen at Brighton and Gwen still in school, but we make it work. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, and she seems to be too. There’s really only one way this is going to go.

“Yeah, I’m done waiting. Let’s get this show on the road.” I step up next to the Christmas tree, clearing my throat to get everyone’s attention. “If it’s all right with you guys, I’d like to start the gift exchange off with something special.”

Gwen is the only person surprised by my announcement, the rest of our friends and family exchanging looks of excitement as they gather around.

I motion for Gwen to come to my side, and she eyes me with confused amusement, her pouty lips twisting as she stands next to me.

“What are you up to?” she whispers.

“I got you something special for Christmas,” I explain, pulling out the envelope that’s stuffed in the tree. “But, you’ll have to hunt for it.”

She takes the envelope as I extend it to her, a huge grin on her pretty face. “Seriously? You’re sending me on a scavenger hunt?”

“Yep. This is your first clue. You’ll need to solve each one to find the next.”

“This is so exciting,” she squeals, her smile expanding across her face.

My heart jackhammers in my chest as she opens the envelope, sweat forming on my brow when I realize she’ll probably read the clues out loud.

She clears her throat, her eyes flickering to me then back to the paper. “Let me just say, I’d follow you to the ends of the earth any day. Now, don’t delay. Head to the place where you first led the way.”

Her eyes snap to me, her head tilting as she thinks. “Oh!” she shouts. “The theater room.”

I chuckle as she rushes in that direction, remembering the little girl in her princess dress and crown, so eager to be my friend.

Arwen bumps into me, scoffing. “This is gross. When did you become such a romantic?”

My best friend claims to hate romance, but her other half is the most sentimental person I know.

I smirk. “It is pretty awesome, huh?”

Gwen enters the room again, triumph on her face as she waves around the second clue.

God, I love her. She’s so damn cute.

“Okay,” she huffs, trying to catch her breath. “I’ve always wanted to be your forever, even when I feared we could never be together. This next clue is one you’re sure not to miss. Head to the place where the promise of for keeps was sealed with a kiss.”

Gwen’s eyes are glossy as they meet mine, a hand landing over her heart before she makes her way to my old bedroom.

If she hadn’t been bold enough to ask for that first kiss, I’m not sure I ever would’ve been brave enough to make my move. Copyright 2016 - 2024