The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,14

for the two of them so she needed to push him away, keep him at a distance.

“Open the door, Wyndi,” he said, his hands moving down to her hips, pulling her back against his chest. His mouth moved down to nuzzle her neck and she shivered.

“You can’t come inside,” she said, but her head was bending backwards as his lips nuzzled her ear.

“You wouldn’t come to my place,” he told her. “So I’m coming inside. You don’t really want me to leave.”

He was right. She wanted him. There was no doubt about it. But was that really what was best for her? For both of them? There was no future together. They were bound to hurt each other.

“It won’t work.”

“It will if you’ll just open the door,” he said, but he didn’t wait for her to comply, taking the keys out of her hands and opening the door himself. He pushed the door open and pulled her inside himself. There, he took her into his arms and that was the end of her refusal. She was lost to his touch, his heat and all she could do was follow him as he led her into her bedroom and heaven when he took her into his arms.

Chapter 3

Tamar glared at his cell phone with irritation. This was the second morning in a row that he’d been called before dawn and he was getting sick of it. He moved carefully, not wanting to disturb Wyndi. She was sleeping so soundly, her head resting against his shoulder, right where he wanted her. Well, to be perfectly honest, he wanted her in the apartment he kept on hand for his ladies. There was a very large, very comfortable bed where his feet didn’t extend off the end, and it was a hell of a lot more comfortable.

He picked up his phone and looked at the caller, then sighed, knowing he had to take the call. “What?” he demanded with irritation. He listened, his attention captured by what he was hearing. “Okay. Yes, there’s a computer here. I think I can take a look,” he told the caller.

He stood up and walked out to Wyndi’s laptop which he’d seen on the side of her sofa at some earlier point. Opening it up, he pressed several buttons which allowed him to circumvent her login screen. “Okay, send it to me,” he told the person at the other end. He waited several seconds and then the file was sent to his e-mail. He entered a code and all of the information was displayed. Running his own program, he was finally able to read the encrypted file. With that new information, he felt a keen sense of satisfaction, knowing he was that much closer to finding the culprit who was systematically breaking into his company files and Surisia’s government files. He thought quickly, his fingers flying over the keyboard. “Okay, try this,” he said and gave his IT lead additional instructions.

With that, he logged out of his e-mail and took her computer back to her own screens. But as soon as he was out, he looked at her files. He hadn’t meant to look, but something caught his eye. The symbol in the background…it was the same signature as the hacker!

He ran several more programs, code that he’d developed to try and track down the culprit and…damn! He almost couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The screen showed him the evidence, but he still had to stare at the information, taking it all in. And even then, he wanted to shake his head and deny the possibility. It couldn’t be!

Looking into the bedroom, he stared at the innocent looking woman curled up on the bed amid the tangled sheets. The hacker was Wyndi? How was that possible?

He called his head of security, telling him to get more information on Wyndi Charmichael, determined to find out if she really was the woman he was starting to suspect she was or if she was someone else. He couldn’t believe the evidence that was staring him in the face. He did several more searches and, sure enough, all the coding that he’d been tracking was right there, in her laptop. He also realized that she’d set up automated runs to delve into several more company databases. Not all his companies, but some were his, others were smaller companies that he knew of but didn’t really care about. He supposed he should be relieved that she wasn’t targeting just his companies but Copyright 2016 - 2024