The Prince's Resistant Lover Page 0,13

for Tamar’s approval, then poured it out for both of them, leaving it beside them before disappearing as well.

“Oh my,” she gasped when she took the first sip. “This is wonderful.”

He smiled at her over his wine glass. “I’m glad you can appreciate a good wine.”

She laughed, deciding to ignore all the reasons she shouldn’t be here and just enjoyed the ambiance and company. Tamar was a delightful dinner companion, able to discuss just about any subject with intelligence and humor. She found out that he worked for the Surisian government, was actually a member of the royal family and her heart sank in her chest. A prince, she thought despairingly. There was absolutely no way a prince and a waitress could have a future.

The pasta was everything he promised. The red sauce was rich and flavorful while the cheese was amazingly creamy with just a bit of a tartness to it that added so much flavor. There was a spicy sausage and tender mushrooms, all of which she devoured hungrily. She laughed as he told her stories, listened intently as he told her about his companies and she was surprised to find her telling him about her college experiences. She didn’t mention her parents’ deaths or the loss of her brother all those years ago, not wanting to ruin the night with sadness. Nor did she mention growing up in foster homes, raised by the state or her search for her brother. Those were secrets she hadn’t shared with anyone, finding it too painful.

When he helped her into the car after the amazing meal, she felt awkward and uncomfortable, but also determined to not fall into bed with him again. “Come with me,” he commanded, raising her hand to his lips.

She was expecting just a simple kiss on her fingers, but he turned the touch into a seductive caress, his mouth capturing one of her fingers and nipping the end. She gasped as her whole body lit up with the fire that was suddenly burning in her belly. “No,” she whispered, trying to pull her hands away. “Thank you for dinner, Tamar, but I can’t see you anymore.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re a prince. And I’m a waitress.”

“Those are titles, not who we are inside.”

Her smile was a bit wobbly. “We can’t run away from our responsibilities. And I have many that are very important to me.”

He was intrigued. “Tell me.”

The car was driving along, the lights of the city moving past them at a rapid rate. “They’re private.”

“Tell me,” he repeated.

She laughed at his stubbornness. “No.”

He chuckled as well, delighted that she wasn’t trying to manipulate him in some way. Women generally tried to get as much out of him monetarily as they could before he moved on to the next woman but this lovely lady was actually rejecting him for his wealth and position. He’d been insanely attracted to her before, but knowing this about her only lured him in more. “Why not?”

“Because they’re private,” she explained again. “They’re something I have to do.”

“And you won’t accept any help from anyone?”

She smiled sadly. “There’s nothing you can do to help. This is a personal issue.”

They’d arrived at her building by that point and she stepped out, prepared to say goodbye to him but he was already stepping out of the limousine. “I can see my way up to my place,” she said nervously.

Tamar smiled slightly, fully aware of what she was trying to do but he wasn’t going to allow it. “I’ll see you up,” he told her firmly, putting a hand to the small of her back and leading her up the stairs.

At her door, she nervously fumbled with the keys, trying to figure out how to keep him from entering her apartment. She knew if he took her into his arms, she wouldn’t be able to tell him no. Even with him standing behind her, she could feel the heat of his body against her back. She wanted to turn around and feel his arms wrap around her, to experience that same magic from the previous night, but she was also afraid. She was scared of what he was making her feel. There was more than just the sex. She’d laughed with him tonight. He’d been kind and generous. She’d discovered that he was interesting and intelligent and charming. She liked him! And that scared her even more than just this crazy attraction she had for him. She didn’t want to like him. There was no future Copyright 2016 - 2024